It ran over my dogma.

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There is some other way?

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Be sure to try the pie.

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You are right. There's a line between bitter snarky and bad taste, and I crossed it. Even in jest, rape jokes are not cool. I'm sorry. The Wonkette community is better than this, and I'm ashamed that in anger I said some awful things that I should not have said.

I suppose since you don't know me, and you are likely judging me on one comment, you might be surprised that my views on prisoner torture are different than what you apparently ascribe to me. I am not one of the people that support such a policy. It's not only morally reprehensible but ineffective.

And as far as racist, well, as a white person, yes, I have to work on that every day. But I never did mention what race I expected Bubba to be, and in fact it's a pretty common Good Ol' Boy nickname, which is where I was heading with that. You may want to check your own racial perceptions.

Thanks for setting me straight ladies. I do appreciate your fierce protections of the standards to which we liberals should be held.

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Well, thank heaven that <em>lying in wait to commit first-degree murder</em> is still a crime. Though I'm sure the Open Carry advocates would love to change that.

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Enjoy prison, you sociopathic piece of filth. Standing your ground is gonna be a whole different experience in the showers with Bubba.

Also, too, nice write-up ShyPix! Trix is finding new ways for you to earn your keep, eh? Such a saucy task mistress, that one.

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Kaarma's a bitch!

(Yeah, I know, "low hanging fruit", but someone had to do it!)

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I'm sure the verdict would have been the same if Herr Dede had been black.

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Is this that "irony" thing? I've heard of that, usually in the context of Republicans killing it dead as a mackerel.

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Its all Obama's fault damn you cant even kill the nazi's now

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Keep an eye on Craigslist ... you can probably buy your stuff back.

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If you outlaw baby monitors, only outlaws will have baby monitors.

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