If your hope is pinned to the lapel of Cory Gardner, let me relieve you of that hope. The man is a political creature ONLY, and will 100% do whatever his real dad Trump tells him to do.

The fact that he's going to get his ass fucking destroyed WITH VOTES in November only makes it more likely that he gives the people of Colorado the double-bird on his way out.

Source: I've been working against this psycho since he was in the Colorado State House. He's the same guy he's always been: a haircut in a suit.

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I don't miss cleaning the cage, that's for sure!

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Lamar Alexander has come out in favor of filling RGB's seat. No one is surprised.

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Oh and one more thing: After the election does not equate to after inauguration. I fully expect several of these fuckheads to be just fine pushing through a SCOTUS justice in a lame duck session after they've lost. In fact, if I could bet on Cory Gardner doing that, I would, and I would make some money.

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Murkowski's statement seems to indicate she would vote during the lame duck session, no matter what the outcome of the election.

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Oh well, if Susan Collins says she won't then that's that, she's nothing if not principled.

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I personally, managed to have an OK Sunday by not opening the internet and instead cleaning my house while whining about having to clean my house. Then I shifted gears by having a panic attack in bed at 11pm, crying about how I might have to sob-apologize to THIS baby if Rs get this justice and/or Trump wins a second term. Note: Baby #1 was only a few months old when the Orange Abomination won his first term and, goddamnit, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO STOP SOB-APOLOGIZING TO MY BABIES.

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After the election or after the inauguration in January? They could protect themselves through the election, then confirm before a new President could take office.

Never trust a Repub in political office. Cheating has become a way of life for them.

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Well, she does hold more opposing principles at the same time than most people can.

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It doesn't matter if they wait till after the election. We need them to wait till after the INAUGURATION.

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Only an idiot or a democrat would believe they aren't lying about their readiness to vote before the election for whatever Mitch throws up. And, they think your charges of 'Hypocrisy!' are laughably weak. And they're right.

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My daughter is twenty months. I'm so glad she's too young to understand the panic we're feeling. But I do hope I don't have to explain to her when she's older how we allowed the fascists to win and that's why she doesn't get to have the same rights as men.

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I'm confused why he keeps talking about the Chinese language being converted into our Roman alphabet being dead in his yard. D;

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The upside to them trying to ram a 6th conservative judge through before inauguration is it would be more than sufficient reason to "stack" the courts in response by democrats. Increase the number of justices total up to 13, 15, or higher, where it ensures the Republicans lose ALL power in the court.

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Sobpologizing is a terrible thing but a wonderful word, so there's that.

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