I'd rather see Bodybuildin' Hillary.

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Thank goodness he used his "Artistic License" on this piece to creatively change a few details, because nobody would allow him to hang up "Zombie Ronald Reagan buttfucking a headless corpse down in Hell" anywhere.

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That "luggage" that Reagan has doesn't fit in the overhead compartment.

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He could yammer all day on on Faux Snooze program after another. Without adding anything new to their script.

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Why do wingnut "artists" have such <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/474804\/hideous-3999-95-painting-of-andrew-breitbart-is-actually-swiped-from-a-video-game" target="_blank">a problem with human proportions</a>?

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I just have to leave this here: <a href="http://www.tapestryproducti..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.tapestryproductions.com/products/artis...">http://www.tapestryproducti...

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Wait, the dolphins were a post back, weren't they?

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Kind of?

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I've been away, but I just want to remark that I detested Ronald Reagan, and I detest the memory of Ronald Reagan. I think it's quite possible that he was the worst thing to happen to the United States of America since the traitors that started and prosecuted the War of Southern Treason.

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In the name of the Father, the Son, and Saint Reagen, would it fucking kill anyone to make the highlighting, shading, and shadows were even slightly consistent?

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Needs more ketchup.

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Curious. Also, if he's in heaven, shouldn't Reagan have a halo?

I'ts a goddamn affront to any right-thinking aesthetic.

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I really think it's becoming obvious that the biggest stashes of homoerotica can be found on the HD's of "totally straight" RWNJs. They should give thanks that there are now disks with 3 TB of storage available. They can probably get most of their collection on one drive now.

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They shrank Reagan's head!

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Steroid Ronnie can't be in heaven. Leviticus 19:28 prohibits tattoos. The wingnuts love to take stuff in Leviticus out of context to attack gay people. Right back at you, Christianists.

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