Because they're miserable, hypocritical assholes?

Just a guess...

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"Fortunate Son" goes against the American way of war and honor. It's like the great General George S. Patton said: "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by getting a deferment, getting elected and sending some other extremely poor, dumb bastard to die for his country."

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Isn't this kinda like how the Reaganites totally misconstrued Bruce's "Born in the USA"? These fuckheads just don't get it.

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that's always the question when it comes to the right wing- finding that line where the grift stops and the stupidity takes over. My working theory is that midway through the continuum it becomes a combination of the two- true believers who nonetheless are willing to milk those who are even dumber than they are

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900,000 of those troops they claim to support by waving those Chinese made American flags and tying those stupid little ribbons to things lost their SNAP because of these selfish fuckers

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It is also critical of rich people not paying their taxes by pretending to be broke when investigated by the IRS, so double CONSERVATIVE RAGE.

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And yet somehow companies and people off shoring all the money to avoid taxes (and some companies actually becoming foreign) is patriotic and loyal. God, I need a drink.

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THAT is the entire crux of the problem with these asshats- anyone who really supports the troops is opposed to sending them off to be maimed or killed for nothing. These shitheels don't have a clue what real patriotism is- here's a clue twitchy twits, it ain't mindless jingoism

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Twitchy employs how many veterans did you say?

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he's actually singing "There's the bathroom on the right"

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You're only allowed to piss on the troops if you call it <strike>rain</strike> fending off socialism.

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Perfect song for our Vets.

Should ended with the FISH call. Gimmi an F


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