musk is only a free speech warrior when he approves of the speech - he really is showing his entire ass to the world, and the fan bois are loving it

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Jul 30, 2023

I stopped reading. I hope Elno's next Xs are over his eyes in a cartoonish manner and I hope no one gives him two silver coins for the ferryman.

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Elon Musk has long considered himself a warrior for free speech


He insists he is a warrior of free speech. But he has NEVER been that.

It has always been about pushing a right wing narrative of lives and forcing it to be mainstream. I believe the Incels call that "red pilling"

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Tiktok, are you listening?

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P.S. There's only one thing more popular than a viral video, and that a 𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥 viral video.

Vote No on Issue 1.

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The Website Formerly Known as Relevant

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I kinda like Xwitter.

Might we consider that?

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"Shwitter." It's pronounceable and rhymes well!

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Time to retire the term "kiddie porn." How about "child abuse porn" or "child rape porn" instead?

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yeah, that phrase really does seem trivial doesn't it -

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The day they started claiming muskrat was buying Twitter, I deleted my account. I don’t miss it.

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If you don't call it X you can't say "Thanks to Elon there are millions of x-users", though.

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So happy I never signed up for twitter. I many have mentioned that before,

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Xitter. 'X' in pinyin (roman transliteration of Chinese) is pronounced 'sh'

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Why are liberals/progressives remaining on a website which suborns CSAM and is actively promoting rightwing propaganda, bigotry and lies. Let it go.

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because they get their news there, or 'most of twitter isn't this way' etc etc

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Should have happened years ago. Twitter has been an open sewer of hatred forever.

I couldn't agree more with you--and disagree more about 'most of Twitter.'

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Most of Twitter isn't this - it is informative or fun for a lot of people who never touch politics or ever heard of inside-baseball influencer fights - and it has become integral to communication by governments and businesses.

Which is why Musk knows that he can get away with his hideous gaming.

The reality is that users are not cutting off their own decent use to punish his indecency and, in any case, would not do so in numbers sufficient to deter him.

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Not anymore.

My spawn who does not do politics is now being forced, by twitter, to see right wing political bullshit. Which they very wisely bring to me before believing.

Wow mom is this true? No, it is not true.

Twitter is legit pushing Q and the GOP into everyone's feeds.

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But here's the thing: the kid is still on Twitter. Because it is Twitter.

Twitter is currently still considered indispensible by many business and social communicators and until there is a replacement that is taken up as widely and becomes the new default it will hold that place, with users for legitimate purposes trying to step around the slime.

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Don't worry, apparently Musk is doing his level best to make that happen.

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If Enbastet Inc. is on Twitter I'm not leaving until I see that the people I'm trying to reach are gone. I will follow them.

It becomes the situation of waiting to see what everyone else does.

That is not to say that Musk cannot eventually drive everyone who is not slime off, but the actual dynamics still favor Twitter over its proposed competitors.

We can schaden all the freude we want over Musk's failings, but reserve bahvior is still in his favor.

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TBAF Twitter usage is definitely down from when he took over though - user activity is down by a third and ad revenue down by more than half. There is no sign of recovery: The trend is only going in one direction.

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The reports of Twitter's demise have been going on for a while.

The fact is that it is entrenched and an alternative has not dislodged it.

When that happens, there will be a final comeuppance...but not until then.

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Don't forget that it doesn't necessarily need a killer app Twitter replacer. Its days are numbered simply by finances alone.

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Once a viable replacement is found it will become a true cesspool filled with MAGA loons and revenge porn. An echo chamber of conspiracies and hate.

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I’m waiting for Musk to copyright the letter “x” and start trying to charge everyone for using it at all. What letter do we replace it with?

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How about i|ii?

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If you are <i>still<I>on "Formerly Known as Twitter", you are making a moral choice and a bad one...

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Clearly the problem that Musk has with the Ohio ad is that the woman is in a superior position, which is not allowed by Republicans or in South Africa.

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