Wrong. In Texas a minor can be questioned without any parents as long as school officials are present. In this case law officers recorded everything that was said and the police chief has said nothing was done out of protocol. Ahmed refused to answer anything but interestingly had no trouble talking to the media. Zero tolerance means zero tolerance.

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Oops, calendars are your friends. Thanks for the correction.

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Ah, in that case, we'll have to agree to disagree, since neither of us can see inside his head. I take him at his word about his motives, and you don't. Considering the interview with one of his junior high teachers -- who considered Ahmed a smart witty kid eager to impress (and sometimes prank) his teachers with gadgets that he'd bodged together, I don't doubt his claim that he wanted to show off the thing he'd patched together. But it's possible that he's a Lying McLiarpants about why he brought the thing to school; either way, the possible lawsuit will hinge on what the school and police did once they started questioning him. This Daily Beast article (the one I was thinking of in the response above) argues that they definitely violated Ahmed's rights in not immediately ending the questioning once he asked for his parents; the ACLU of Texas agreed.

On the other hand, it may not be that clear-cut: Avi Selk -- who's covered this story from the beginning -- interviewed a juvenile justice attorney, Laura Peterson, who disputes several of the Mohamed family's lawyers' claims, particularly the claim that the police had to stop questioning Ahmed once he asked for his parents:

“Ahmed asked nearly immediately if he could contact his parents — which as you know, is his right under the Texas Juvenile Justice Code,” attorney Kelly Hollingsworth wrote to officials. “His request was refused.”But that’s wrong, Peterson said.“There there is no right for the child to call their parents,” she said. “The only magic words are ‘I want to talk to my lawyer.’ He didn’t say that.”

There's also a fair degree of uncertainty over the amount of time required between detaining a juvenile suspect and when the police must notify their parents -- and both of those questions will probably have to be answered in court if the city and school don't settle with the family.

If nothing else, this serves as a good reminder to parents of teens: teach them to demand an attorney and to keep their mouths shut.

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You give such good reply! Just wanna give props.

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From what I've seen, that doesn't sound quite accurate; it's not mentioned in either this Daily Beast piece arguing that the questioning was definitely a violation of his rights or in this Dallas Morning News interview with a juvenile law expert who doesn't think the Mohammeds have much of a case. You may be correct, but neither of those pieces says that the school's administration -- who were in this case actively antagonistic to Ahmed -- were acceptable stand-ins for a parent to represent his interests. See also my second reply to Jason M below.

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Thanks. It's my day off. What the fuck am I even doing here?

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You sir, are a Team Player. Trotsky's wet dream. Solidarnosc!

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Yay, the police didn't even shoot the little terrorist wannabe! What a triumph for freedom!

Also, as we've said just about every time the topic has come up, "Zero Tolerance" is bullshit, and is neither liberal nor conservative: it's the result of a bureaucratic mindset that values mindlessly following all the rules with absolute rigidity over common sense and individual judgment. Zero Tolerance policies in the schools are as idiotic as mandatory minimum sentencing or three-strikes laws in the justice system -- they're an attempt at standardization that invite abuse.

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Not the eldest Miss Palin, apparently.

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Once again, for teaching purposes, we must turn to world of animation which is increasingly looking more and more realistic than wingnuts everyday.

From Futurama:

Leela: Bender are you blackmailing me?Bender:I prefer the term extortion. The "X" makes it sound cool!

There. Now that you know what "eXtortion" really means, Wingnuts, you can stop misinterpreting it in relation to this case.

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O'Reilly was rubbing "muslim" all over hisself. He's a traitor!

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" He was instructed to keep it put up"Your English is atrocious, you must be one of those Mooslims. And according to you, there is no racism until people die and are put in body bags? One wonders what the hell country you live in, it can't be America. Oh wait...

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It's in Texas, isn't it? Texas is one of the most racist places there is.

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You do realize Ahmed is an American, right? That means you could be next to be illegally arrested and interogated. Bigots like you are the reason ALL Americans are losing their rights freedoms.

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What are you basing your opinion on? I don't see any sources or facts in your comment. Sounds like you're pulling it out of the air and just making it up.

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He should sue the mayor for libel, he has a good case for that.

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