There's little evidence that Hitler was as anti-Semitic privately as he claimed to be publicly, much as there's hardly any evidence he was as Catholic as he once professed. The only thing he really worshipped was himself; everything else was necessary theatre.

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I used to be pretty much a Conservative Libertarian - meaning I generally voted Republican, occasionally smoked weed, had a few Black friends, and was concerned about creeping government intrusion.

I had this position due to the irrationality and - well, to be blunt - wharrgarbl of the apparently institutionalized left wing derp squads. Unfortunately, whatever disease they had (and still have) seems to have been caught by the righties.

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Epileptics everywhere thank you.

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Abraham Lincoln had a few words to say on that:

"Thomas Jefferson was a COMMUNIST. He CUT OUT parts of the Bible he thought were stupid! Yes, as I stand before G_D, he was a Commie Atheist Blasphemer Muslim Christian-Hater." - Abraham Lincoln, in a speech before a Joint Session of Congress, April 1st 1867.

It was a Joint Session because they were all smoking the Demon Devil Weed From Hell, MariJEWana.

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He has mob ties?

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And them bring them to my quarters?

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... to paraphrase Groucho... "I wouldn't want to comment on a site that doesn't allow comments from people like me."

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Pressed or unpressed?

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Yes and by now the connections should be quite clear to anyone who has been paying attention. Wheels within wheels, sheeple! WAke uP!!!!!!!

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I read somewhere that several operatives were killed but that he had evaded the attack. Subsequently his superiors held his feet to the fire and raked him over the coals.

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Without mentioning that there's no requirement in the Constitution that officials use any religious texts when taking their oath of office.

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Nor is the "So help me, God" part in the Constitution. Makes their ears bleed when you tell them that.

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"The terrorist threat emanates from the Minneapolis neighborhood known as “Little Mogadishu,” home to one of the highest concentration of Somali immigrants in the USA. The Little Mogadishu neighborhood is represented by Democrat congressman Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), who liberals proudly tout as the first Muslim-American Congressman. Ellison — who famously swore his oath of office on a Koran — has been a key player in public attacks on those seeking to expose the threat of radical Islam, including former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Congressman Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX)."

Change "Somali" and "Muslim" to "Jewish," "Islam" to "Judaism," and "a Koran" to "a Torah," and this sounds like something Joseph Goebbels would have written circa 1932.

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I was wondering about that "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign going up on our local Sam's Club.

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L%, or I/II?

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You want to join the crowd at the one site on the internetz that doesn't allow comments?!

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