Stupid of Nine for the win, Dok. Nancy, too.

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How can you be on the Internet and that bug-fucking ignorant? You got four years of Trump and you still can not stop pissing on the Democratic Party? Not enough dead people in Iraq for you?

HRC was, as a Senator from NY, one of the earliest national supporters for $15/hr. Bill Clinton raised the minimum wage. Yes, he did.

Here is Al Gore's platform, but we got W because GREENS! PUUURITY! CLINTON CENTRIST!

Here, again, evil Gore's platform:" The average two-parent family works 500 more hours a year than they did a generation ago. .. Democrats have increased after-school assistance 500 times over in the last four years. Al Gore believes in expanding after-school programs and providing Americans with an after-school tax credit so that children have a safe, supervised after-school environment"

And evvvviiiill ceeennntrist Clinton's EITC:"Democrats believe in an economy that works for everyone and gives everyone a chance to work. We have made a good start by fighting for the Earned Income Tax Credit which has helped millions of American families work their way out of poverty. We won the battle for increasing the minimum wage."

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You really are an endless fountain of bullshit.

The things you care about are core Democratic priorities. Things that you systematically undermine by not supporting Democrats. The prevention of a Constitution Amendment to ban gay marriage was a massive rearguard battle in the 90s.

Following is Al Gore's platform on poverty.

HRC's was better but she was torn down in part by Rovian progressive attacks, and the toxic racism and sexism of Bernie's campaign.

So, in summary, you shit on everything you claim to believe. And then whine and lie. Then you call other people bullshit?

************* on poverty ************in 1992, Americans elected Bill Clinton and Al Gore with a mandate to turn America around. And that's just what they did. They took on the old thinking that had come to dominate politics and offered new ideas - new ideas that met the challenges of the day, new ideas that kept faith with America's oldest values, new ideas that worked.

Eight years later the record is clear: the longest economic expansion in American history. The most jobs ever created under a single administration. The first real wage growth in 20 years. The highest home ownership rate ever. The lowest African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment rates in American history. The lowest crime rate in 25 years. The lowest number of people on welfare since the 1960's. The largest drop in poverty in nearly 30 years. The lowest level of child poverty in 20 years. And after 15 painful years when the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer, America is finally growing together instead of growing apart


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No one is defending them.

They suck.

That is the difference in the discourse. They suck. They should sit down. And they did.

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Kat has so much ignorance of all things to share.

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Like? When?

See, we all agree the moderates suck because *this behavior sucks*.

It also sucks when the Squad does it.

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Third way, and Clinton himself, have aged poorly. You seem a tad defensive.

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looks like Nance retains the title by KO. punched all nine in their dicks and they suddenly remembered who's running the show.

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Stupid of Nine for the win, Dok. Nancy, too.

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Been there.

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With extremely prejudiced curare votes, (just until they get out of the way.)

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Anywhere else in the civilized world Pelosi would be considered center right.

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Had a boss one time complain about his kid's choice of music, he said, "Who's going to remember the music of Hootie and the Blowfish 20 years from now."

"The children of people who remember The Turtles and New Riders of the Purple Sage." Fortunately he had a sense of humor.

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And these guys did not gum it up either, exactly the same.

So, again, try using *one standard* for behavior. I think you could do that if you tried.

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The moderates are sethmoulting. There. I said it.

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you did indeed

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