Cutest murder TABS ever!

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Shout out to you, Martini, for this!

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Ribbit, ribbit.

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That's a far representation of me before the coffee.

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Angler fish nightmare and their hellish parasitic mates!

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Hydrojet propelled sea creatures with their own fishing tackle...

We should make sure that they don't evolve head lasers, like those damn sharks

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I think the frogfish is trying to eat his brain worm.

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I remain in awe of the things you find. You lure me in, much as the fish does prey.

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Give a fish a cat toy

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That frogfish looks like Trump’s hairpiece.

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The lure is for children.

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This is what MAGAt's evolve into.

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Right - frogfish is a step up for them.

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Now you're making me think about Gollum.

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You’ve discovered my “bar-fishing” technique -

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I’m feeling a little barfish myself this morning.

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Maybe some ginger ale...

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I have had good results from sparkling cider, but I hate to waste it, so it's hard to convince myself to open it in the first place.

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Thank you for holding your cameraphone horizontally at the Detroit rally.

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Well dingity dang a ding a long ling long. I'll be in Chicago *two weeks later*, over Labor Day weekend. Would've been fun to mebbe ditch the meetup I'm going to, and have another meetup with the WonkeCrew!

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Hope to see you in Chicago!

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"“These documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources hostile to the United States, intended to interfere with the 2024 election and sow chaos throughout our Democratic process,” Cheung said." (From the link to Lawyers Guns Money)

For the life of me I still can't figure how Cheung and the rest of the Fulvous Flatulence's spox can keep a straight face when spreading their bovine scat. The Amber Ardipithecus ramidus has spent his entire adulthood (really, adult?!?!?) trading on illegalities. Since his first dipping of his orange toe into a possible run for POTUS in 1987-88 (at least this is when he made his initial foray but it went nowhere since he was more concerned with the Taj Mahal purchase), through his 2000 efforts in the Reform Party, his consideration of running in 2004, his topping the GOP polls in 2011 before announcing he wouldn't run after all, his gliding down his golden escalator (good thing the power didn't go out or he'd have been stuck waiting for someone to come rescue him), right up until now the Mango Malignancy has counted on not being held accountable for his unlawful actions, smears and lies.

(Sorry for the run-on sentence.) If it weren't for these three traits (especially the regular breaking of the law) the MAGA oberster Fuhrer would be even more of an empty suit than he already is.


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"The Amber Ardipithecus ramidus..."

Early human ancestor libelz!

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Ugh. Mixing ADHD and finally completing this passport renewal form is a poor choice. Where the fuck did I put my Methylphenidate?

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The Heatmap IRA story says that most of the tax credits are being used by the wealthy to put solar on their homes (most not all). But the catch is that you need to pay taxes to get the tax credit. As far as I know, you can spread that tax credit over several years if your tax bill is too low to use it all at once.

A lot of my homeowners are retired, but sitting on a little bit of cash, and they're finally getting around to fixing up their homes after retiring. They're adding solar for the future, maybe they'll think about a battery later, they just had insulation blown in the attic, and the RV is ready for an adventure to see the grandkids. But they are all excited about the heat pump. They've already got that on the calendar when I'm looking at their house for solar.

But, since they're retired, they don't have a big tax bill, so that tax credit is harder to claim. Oregon has state incentives for renewables and other cool stuff too, which go UP to big $$ for low/moderate income folks (the retirees, for example). The monies come from politically charged buckets of funds that prompt occasional "call your legislators" emails from renewable energy advocates, but those dollars go to folks who are very much NOT wealthy. I've been in their attics and garages and bedrooms and yards and shops and barns. You can take the girl out of OC but once a snob, always a snob. Lots of very not rich folks getting solar.

Our utilities are trying to claim that "only the rich" get solar and it's not faaair to the poor folks who pay for electricity. This is a brownwashing lie. The utilities are watching what California does (aka screw over residential solar owners), but the systems that cost $20,000 here are sometimes cut in half by state funds if the household fits the right criteria, and then someone figures out financing to make this a very low upfront cost project, which is a subject beyond my engineerbrainlevel.

The heatmap story is incomplete, is all I'm saying. Oregon isn't the only state doing this, but we've found a way to get solar on roofs of people with a lower tax appetite. And those people are getting heat pumps too!

If someone could find a way to safely mount solar on manufactured homes, THAT would be the game changer for low/moderate income folks who are just right on paper, but the structure of their home is not a fit for current solar racking and modules.

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I am very much not wealthy. I got solar four years ago, before the IRA came about. I didn't do it for financial reasons because I'm old and it didn't seem likely I'd live long enough to ever break even. I did it for the future that I won't live to see. However, I haven't had to pay federal income taxes for the last three years due to the tax credits. At my projected rate of taxation, I've got a few more years of credits to use. Last month I had a mini-split heat pump installed and will probably get tax credits for that, too. Again, not why I did it. Nice bonus, though. I wish I could afford batteries.

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Capitalism is increasingly just a game to see how much money one can siphon out of a company before it crashes.

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I needed Wonkette when our political fortunes were in the toilet but, turns out, I need Wonkette for the spreading of joy as our fortunes have turned into the most expensive Japanese bidet. Thank you!

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Looking at that Mississippi attorney, what do you suppose was his downfall to make him do this? Drugs, alcohol, Only Fans, or hookers?

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My money's on drugs, and lots of them.

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Nice ass!!


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Doesn't anyone here understand how business works? You get yourself a huge contract to be CEO, do a shit job while your buddies on the corporate board continue to hand you huge bonuses, drive the company into the ground and then start over with the next sucker, um, I mean, business venture.

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What I understand is that I am definitely in the wrong business.

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COVID-tired thoughts of my morning: The Republicans really have committed the most monstrous act. While I admit that many/most people are seriously flawed, and bear some responsibility for their weakness ... the Republicans have been going balls to the walls to hollow out people's brains, and fill the void with hate and venom. How do we ever repair this damage, and get a third of our neighbors back? We'll need a Marshall Plan on steroids. I remain stubbornly optimistic. But not real hopeful.

(My morning cheer? PAX-LO-VID! PAX-LO-VID!)

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That contraband attorney looks like he was cast by someone in Adult Swim.

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He's gotta be a transplant. All Mississippi adult males still wear the Justin Bieber haircut from 2010.

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Don't forget to tighten your water bottle lids, folks. Came into my office this morning to find that the big cat that cruises my desk at night had knocked over a water bottle containing a liter of water. Fortunately, a legal pad soaked up most of it. Well, a legal pad, an iPhone, and a Samsung phone. And a Pentax K5-II. The Pentax, fortunately, is water-resistant. Also, my clear vinyl desk pad thingy must be porous, as the underside of it is wet wet wet. This has been your morning white people first world problems report. Stay tuned for tales of trying to type while the cat stretches it legs in my lap and pushes away the keyboard at noon.

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