CHICAGO! Be ready to drink our beers and eat our snacks SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 5-7:30 PM, at the KAISER TIGER! You better show up because I had to pay $$ just for the room even before the beers and the snacks, and I will be so lonesome if you don’t come! There you will meet the whole crew of me, Shy, Evan, Dok, Robyn, Dom, presumably Sara, and all our DNC friends! Hmm, I guess I won’t actually be that lonely after all!
You guys aren’t going to believe this, but all of a sudden The Media thinks it might be wrong to use hacked emails in political coverage, if the hacked emails in question are from the Trump campaign? Wow, huh?
“I think it’s worth noting here that when Amy Chozick (to her credit) was one of the few prominent political journalists to retrospectively question the wisdom of the uncritical feeding frenzy around the Assange/GRU provided emails in 2016, her colleagues angrily insisted that they had done nothing wrong.”
I think it’s worth noting too! (Lawyers, Guns & Money) Orig story by Politico, which has been sitting on the hacked documents for weeks. (Politico)
Get your crying shoes on! That universal school breakfast and lunch bill Tim Walz signed was pushed by Valerie Castile, the mother of Philando Castile, after she raised hundreds of thousands to clear school lunch debts in honor of her son, a Black school lunch worker who was lawfully carrying a gun when he was killed by a trigger-happy cop. (Sahan Journal)
A fashion column on a man politician! Isn’t that something! Of course, Tim Walz is a Democrat, and Democratic men are female-coded. But still it’s a good fashion column and you will like it. (Derek Guy at Politico)
This is the most servicey post I have ever read in my life. (Benjamin Dreyer)
Yes Trump’s helicopter story was a crazy lie. (New York mag / Lawyers, Guns & Money) An alert commenter notes we were all behind. It was another Black dude entirely, and it still had nothing to do with Kamala Harris. (Politico)
Trump is losing his mind saying Kamala’s Detroit rally was AI, so I was looking for videos of Air Force Two arriving. Which is how I just found my ass in someone else’s TikTok!
Until Trump freaked out I forgot that I took a video too. (This was the least packed, most spread out part of the crowd, which is why it’s where I was standing.)
This guy who just got 20 years for attacking police on January 6 had three previous arrests for violently attacking peaceful protesters in California, but somehow those incidents never led to charges ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (AP)
Joe Biden: In legacy mode. (Politico)
My assistant Felicia is on vacation this week, BYE FELICIA! So if you buy some Wonkette Kamala merch, be so patient of love please, she does all of it for me. Okay YAY FELICIA’S VACATION YAY!
Imane Khelif took Gold in boxing and entered the ring to huge lusty cheers despite JK Rowling and Megyn Kelly’s best crabbed, weird efforts. (Erin in the Morning)
He received a $2.3 million bonus on top of a $149,000 base salary in 2023, according to SEC filings, and a bonus of $4.4 million and a $450,000 base salary in 2022, as the company lost $42.1 million.
Tim Sheehy, everybody! (Gift link Washington Post)
Looks like Oklahoma school districts might be telling the lunatic state education chief to fuck off with his weird Bible mandates, and the Oklahoma supreme court might be in their corner. (Diane Ravitch)
This is the most innocent attorney accused of bringing contraband into a correctional facility I have ever seen. (WJTV)
GOOD GOVERNANCE! The CDC tells doctors they need to better manage IUD pain! (Gift link Washington Post)
Be a nerd and read the IRA sustainability tax credit data! (Heatmap)
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Trump Boasts About Huge Crowd of Voices Inside Head (Borowitz Report)