That would be worth it, just to make Trump shit his diaper again.

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Just like Elvis he won’t really be dead.

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Suspicious minds got em all shook up.

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These two silly assholes are the same kind of shit heads that tried to sell us on the pyramid schemes in the 1980's and 90's. Worn out left over yuppies. Not so much upwardly mobile these days though. Just like the worn out scam artist Jim (Jaysus Loves Your Money) Bakker. Now these two are trying to sell a some what tainted president as a second coming. And liver lips Lou Dobbs is sucking their ass for ratings. If fucking ignorant was deadly all of these people would be dead in less than a second.

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I remember that SNL skit.

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I know what you are but what am I???!!!


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Sorry. I saw Elvis Presley in concert. I don't know what that means.

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All of them, Katie.

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he still hasn't paid me for all those marches and protests.

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not a young or old thing, a wonkette inside joke referring to when katie couric asked sarah palin what newspapers she reads. and that's awesome you saw the king in concert

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he would just be another one on Hillary's hit list of course!

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Everytime I see that woman's name, the first thing that comes to mind is "Toenail". These two are part of the whole cottage industry of TV lawyers that the OJ trial spawned.

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40 years of hyper-capitalism and neoliberalism, a lack of funding for education, a misinformed public due to the corporate consolidation of media companies leading to uncritical newsrooms, the repeal of the fairness doctrine allowing for misleading news outlets like Fox News, a lack of regulation for new (Internet) media, severe gerrymandering, foreign interference in the 2016 election, the inherent unfairness of the electoral college, Republican voter suppression tactics, the relative stupidity of Republican voters, staunch white evangelical Christian support for Trump, a primary process that is easily manipulated by populists, the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign countries leading to angry blue-collar voters who misdirect their rage at the wrong people, and racism, lots and lots of racism.

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He crimes. I feel it in my waters.

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'Useful to the cause, they can always be disposed of later...' is the usual line of thinking among racist trash.

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I used to collect them in the early to mid nineties. It was still of the order of 'secret alien bases on Earth and here's 400 shittily written pages of proof direct from my arse!'

That or fun stuff about cryptids.

Now that that bottomless credulity has been weaponised and handed to the worst people on the planet to run amok with, my old collection seems quaint, like an 1800s German butcher stood next to a nazi stormtrooper.

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