That sounds like Libertarian boilerplate.

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I miss Carl. He would tweet very late at night.

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I can't think of any better quality for a leader than evidence of dementia.

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Can the misogyny please. Please review the rules.

— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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You know what governments are run like businesses? Socialist ones. They must pay for themselves mostly through direct user fees and they're enterprises can and do compete directly against the private sector. Their enterprise's governing boards contain trade union, private sector, interested parties, and a minority of government representatives.

The richer the American, the more they would hate it. Imagine a private jet owner having to actually pay for the full costs of airports and the national airspace management system.

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Like the Godfather, only dumb.

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How some dick imagines that making pillows equates to running a government, I will never be able to understand.

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It's makes you have fluffy, happy dreams. And then you wake up and see that shit is real and you're like..... WTF?

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I think I will go ahead and clean my bathroom anyway. Just in case.

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Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

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The founder of the Fascist party, himself, stated that fascism is corporatism.If anyone should have known, it would have been him.

"When someone show you who they are, believe them the first time." -- Maya Angelou

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"has an "F" rating from the Better Business Bureau due at least in part to its failure to respond to complaints filed against it by customers."

How hard is it to make a good pillow?

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"run the government like a business" appeals to people.

I don't know why that works on some people. every time a businessman governs it's a disaster

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Originally, firestations were like businesses. People had to pay them for coverage. The concept of that service being publicly funded came later, the same as for schools, libraries, etc.

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I use only down/feather pillows. I've never been able to tolerate foam/kapok/hollofil/etc.

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