You know what a gentleman does when he turns on his TV and sees a lady in distress, stuttering and struggling with a simple task like reading dumb talking points off of a piece of paper?
Is he one of the kooky heirs to the <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/Andrew_W._Mellon" target="_blank">Mellon</a> fortune?
So writing a check with seven figures is how rich people give you an &quot;A for effort?&quot; Me like!
If this is my wife, when are you coming home? I&#039;m hungry.
Is he one of the kooky heirs to the <a href="http:\/\/\/wiki\/Andrew_W._Mellon" target="_blank">Mellon</a> fortune?
So writing a check with seven figures is how rich people give you an &quot;A for effort?&quot; Me like!
If this is my wife, when are you coming home? I&#039;m hungry.