Just wrote my Congressman who is on the list about this. He was a participant in the SCIF invasion, although he had the the right to sit in on the hearings by dint of being on a relevant committee. Third letter in two months. For some reason, he never writes back. My wife tells me not to finish the letters by asking for help to stop the CIA from putting spiders in my mailbox, but what else are Congressmen for? 😉
My dad went to his town hall last year out here. Man, that's exactly how he responded too. People would be like, "WTF are you doing with my healthcare" and he'd be like "yeah we're working on helping you" when he actually wasn't.
You'll always have Love Canal! Actually, I'll be playing Christmas Carols with my band tomorrow at NF Culinary Arts Center half past noon. I hate Xmas Carols, but it gets the horn on my face and cuts into drinking time, ...sssooo good?
I actually wish Oregon had a RWNJ Pinko Russophile Sen or Rep so I could call them up and vent snark upon him/her, the traitor. (Do we? Please advise.) We have to make do with losers like Art Robinson, the pointy head of the Repuggalo party, and the clearest example of the Dunning-Kruger effect you'll ever find.
Trump didn’t bribe Ukraine he SOLICITED a bribe FROM Ukraine ie a shakedown. Like a protection racket. You demand to be given a ‘treat’. And have one of various sorts of leverage to get it. You could threaten to their burn down their furniture store. Or if they need something from you, you could say I won’t give it to you until you give me the bribe.
OH MY GOD! 😵 Also why does Joe McCarthy have a huge headstone? I thought he died a friendless drunk. Also too, is that a bunch of dried egg yolk on it? 🤞🏼🥚
I'm Australian and I don't know a lot of the names on that list of everlastingly accursed two-legged hyenas. But fucking Matt Gaetz would. Also Meadows, Jordan and Higgins. You may know a man by the company he keeps.
Just wrote my Congressman who is on the list about this. He was a participant in the SCIF invasion, although he had the the right to sit in on the hearings by dint of being on a relevant committee. Third letter in two months. For some reason, he never writes back. My wife tells me not to finish the letters by asking for help to stop the CIA from putting spiders in my mailbox, but what else are Congressmen for? 😉
My dad went to his town hall last year out here. Man, that's exactly how he responded too. People would be like, "WTF are you doing with my healthcare" and he'd be like "yeah we're working on helping you" when he actually wasn't.
Greg is a Good Republican who says all the Good Republican things.
Yeah it's amazing how little you have to get past the Bay Bridge and you can see MAGA hats and Confederate Battle Flags everywhere.
You'll always have Love Canal! Actually, I'll be playing Christmas Carols with my band tomorrow at NF Culinary Arts Center half past noon. I hate Xmas Carols, but it gets the horn on my face and cuts into drinking time, ...sssooo good?
The picture of a bare-torsoed Putin must have charmed him.
Number 44 is from a sparsely populated district full of secessionists in CA. Was surprised McCarthy and Nunes weren’t on the list.
Of COURSE she’d be humping his gravestone.
I actually wish Oregon had a RWNJ Pinko Russophile Sen or Rep so I could call them up and vent snark upon him/her, the traitor. (Do we? Please advise.) We have to make do with losers like Art Robinson, the pointy head of the Repuggalo party, and the clearest example of the Dunning-Kruger effect you'll ever find.
Trump didn’t bribe Ukraine he SOLICITED a bribe FROM Ukraine ie a shakedown. Like a protection racket. You demand to be given a ‘treat’. And have one of various sorts of leverage to get it. You could threaten to their burn down their furniture store. Or if they need something from you, you could say I won’t give it to you until you give me the bribe.
OH MY GOD! 😵 Also why does Joe McCarthy have a huge headstone? I thought he died a friendless drunk. Also too, is that a bunch of dried egg yolk on it? 🤞🏼🥚
I don't see anything.https://radiocms-images.us1...
I'm Australian and I don't know a lot of the names on that list of everlastingly accursed two-legged hyenas. But fucking Matt Gaetz would. Also Meadows, Jordan and Higgins. You may know a man by the company he keeps.
Apparently all Putin ASS LICKERS!
Hey, they may not lick ass, but (IMO) they probably are on the pay-roll.