Can this kind of emotional insane level of anxiety about people's genitals be fought with logic and rational thought? The repugnican party is full of bullies and criminals and liars. I've no doubt that if dems read real science into the political record, the repugs will just find their own "scientists" to state on record that there are only two genders and sexes, which will be a set of beliefs not based on data obtained from well designed studies. They found dentists who supported outlawing legal drugs that can be used in abortion care, and made them part of a lawsuit of "doctors" against a standard of care that's been used for decades. I hate living in the upside down.
Give Ms. Mace a little desk with a sign, "Genital Monitor," on the front, stationed at the entrance to the U.S. House Ladies' Restroom. Have Ms. Mace's cosigners/friends take one-hour turns at the little desk, so the entire shift is covered.
I think their argument applies here about how if a person is a murderer, he's not going to obey gun laws.
If a dude has the intention of raping a woman in a restroom, he's not going to care what Target's bathroom regulations prohibit biological males from entering their bathrooms or not.
My daughters both went to Ripon College in Wisconsin, one in the late Nineties and the other in early Aughts. Both used the co-ed bathrooms in Mapes Hall. The urinals remained, unused, usually, I think.
People like Mace welcome open carry in a bathroom in Congress, but panic at the thought of a trans person using another stall. The hope for Americans to find common ground is shrinking by the hour.
Nothing makes you look smaller, more foolish and irrationally timid than panicking over a trans person using a bathroom. There is obviously no correlation between trans people and bathroom privacy incidents. And if a man wants to walk into a ladies bathroom and start waggling things around for all to see, he could. That would be a behavioral problem that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or people’s bodies or anything else. If you are a sad panic junkie like Mace, you need locks on all toilets and stalls, and pottyguards to truly feel safe. Pathetic. Mace is what’s wrong with America, or a big part of what’s wrong. Humans have so far to go to be civilized, accepting and informed. At least many of them do.
As AOC (and many others) have said, the point of "bathroom bills" like these isn't to keep trans people out so much as it is to rigidly enforce gender expressions. If you don't look enough like *their* version of a woman or *their* version of a man, then you're considered a valid target for harassment. And not even a single version of gender expression, because "they", in this case, would be whatever Karen or Kevin was there and felt like making someone's day miserable.
I thought we had outgrown all of that, but then along came Trump who coaxed all of what we thought were extinct species out from under their rocks. Maybe not quite the same but we took a lot of the same shit back in the late 60s when we started wearing long hair. Trust me, my shoulder length blond hair and lack of facial hair got me more than my fair ration of shit.
Wait a minute... that can't be right, there's no light on the top. Or windows around the roof line. I don't see the phone box on the outside either, but I'll allow it could be on one the sides I can't see.
Or are you telling me they *finally* managed to fix the cloaking circuits?
Can this kind of emotional insane level of anxiety about people's genitals be fought with logic and rational thought? The repugnican party is full of bullies and criminals and liars. I've no doubt that if dems read real science into the political record, the repugs will just find their own "scientists" to state on record that there are only two genders and sexes, which will be a set of beliefs not based on data obtained from well designed studies. They found dentists who supported outlawing legal drugs that can be used in abortion care, and made them part of a lawsuit of "doctors" against a standard of care that's been used for decades. I hate living in the upside down.
Give Ms. Mace a little desk with a sign, "Genital Monitor," on the front, stationed at the entrance to the U.S. House Ladies' Restroom. Have Ms. Mace's cosigners/friends take one-hour turns at the little desk, so the entire shift is covered.
I'm fine with it if Nancy wants to use a port-a-potty. I wonder if she's ever considered THAT.
Nancy Mace has shit for brains. Just her dear leader, tRump.
Also, it's a good idea to remind folks that GOP stands for GENITALIA OBSESSED PARTY.
WHAT a bunch of weirdo creeps.
Attention, I have a cynical Nickname for Miss Mace that is not sexist nor racist!
Nazi Face. Fits her perfectly. RUN WITH IT.
I think their argument applies here about how if a person is a murderer, he's not going to obey gun laws.
If a dude has the intention of raping a woman in a restroom, he's not going to care what Target's bathroom regulations prohibit biological males from entering their bathrooms or not.
Didn’t their supporters poop on the floor at the capitol and smear crap on the walls? They want to be the ones to tell us which bathroom to use?
McBride's response should be, "No, Representative Mace, I will not have sex with you."
I met my future wife in a coed bathroom in a coed dorm.
50 years ago. We've been married 44 years, have a child and two grandchildren.
Get over yourselves, Republicans.
My daughters both went to Ripon College in Wisconsin, one in the late Nineties and the other in early Aughts. Both used the co-ed bathrooms in Mapes Hall. The urinals remained, unused, usually, I think.
Mace should wear an amber P on her tight, stretchy t-shirt to fundraise and get on the teevee.
People like Mace welcome open carry in a bathroom in Congress, but panic at the thought of a trans person using another stall. The hope for Americans to find common ground is shrinking by the hour.
Nothing makes you look smaller, more foolish and irrationally timid than panicking over a trans person using a bathroom. There is obviously no correlation between trans people and bathroom privacy incidents. And if a man wants to walk into a ladies bathroom and start waggling things around for all to see, he could. That would be a behavioral problem that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or people’s bodies or anything else. If you are a sad panic junkie like Mace, you need locks on all toilets and stalls, and pottyguards to truly feel safe. Pathetic. Mace is what’s wrong with America, or a big part of what’s wrong. Humans have so far to go to be civilized, accepting and informed. At least many of them do.
If I were McBride, I would collect my pee in bottles that I would then throw at Nancy Mace at every opportunity.
But she is much classier and less driven by blind rage than I am.
Or walk deliberately close behind Mace in the halls of Congress and whisper “boo!” at every opportunity. Ridiculous.
As AOC (and many others) have said, the point of "bathroom bills" like these isn't to keep trans people out so much as it is to rigidly enforce gender expressions. If you don't look enough like *their* version of a woman or *their* version of a man, then you're considered a valid target for harassment. And not even a single version of gender expression, because "they", in this case, would be whatever Karen or Kevin was there and felt like making someone's day miserable.
I thought we had outgrown all of that, but then along came Trump who coaxed all of what we thought were extinct species out from under their rocks. Maybe not quite the same but we took a lot of the same shit back in the late 60s when we started wearing long hair. Trust me, my shoulder length blond hair and lack of facial hair got me more than my fair ration of shit.
[-sigh-] yeah, I remember that "shit" you guys took....
That's not a port-a-potty in Congress, that's the TARDIS!
Wait a minute... that can't be right, there's no light on the top. Or windows around the roof line. I don't see the phone box on the outside either, but I'll allow it could be on one the sides I can't see.
Or are you telling me they *finally* managed to fix the cloaking circuits?
It isn't fixed, only stuck on another design,