Sll trying to wrap my brain around Caitlyn Jenner using the ladies room at MAL.

There are gendered bathrooms at MAL? What kind of sexist hellhole is this place?

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Yeah, but Nancy has those bigly ginourmous breast enhancements and I volunteer to be her tit-sling while she recovers.

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Crybaby bi*ch!

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Lol…hahahahahahahahah. I'm dying here. “Shaken Handy Syndrome”????????

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Fuck that stupid Trunt!

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response to AOC's bluesky post: Nancy Mace is the Matt Gaetz of Marjorie Taylor Greenes

not only does that make sense it's sadly hilarious

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Omg it would be your hand and wrist that needed the brace not your elbow you attention seeking nitwit 🙄

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Man, fuck all this nonsense. Make unisex bathrooms the norm. Let’s call them on their bluff.

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shes part of the 'flood the zone with shit so Trumps nominations have less het on them' strategy

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Are there photos of this "accost"?

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Typical self serving right-wing nut job. One might ask "how do these people get elected?" The answer is look at the voters today. Particularly in the south.

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This is another example of fake grandstanding by a needy Republican official. We are all sorry Mommy didn’t love you but could you take your attention starved ass to a mental health professional?!

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What a maroon!!

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It's like when that young turk guy was all mad no one respected him after he was assaulted by Auntie Maxine that time when she brushed by him cause he was blocking her way

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The joker who really specialises in aggressive bully-boy "handshakes" (actually great bull ape dominance gestures that he WISHES were strong enough to cripple or enforce submission) is of course Donald Trump.

I hope the next person he tries it with, shows his exasperation by putting Trump's flabby ass on the floor.

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To me, the only relevant things about Sarah McBride are that she represents Delaware in Congress and is a Democrat. As I do with the other members of the incoming Congress, I have no interest in any facts about her sex organs. I just hope she's an effective legislator.

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The way she wrote “pro tr*ns man” instead of “pro-tr*ns man” makes it seem like there is an amateur tr*ns man. I wonder who is paying tr*ns men to turn pro? Is there a league somewhere? Do they train the tr*ns pros to give the vicious death handshakes? Is that part of league play?

Maybe they compete to get an a. Are a’s more expensive than an asterisk?

Anyway I assume the league of pro tr*ns men is funded by Soros and Big Arm Sling.

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