Is it true that most - or even a large number - of people who disagreed with you claimed she was a coward and complicit in Trump's crimes?

Or were they just questioning her judgement on this? Speaking for myself, I was wondering if she was missing an opportunity* by waiting too long. I can see in retrospect that she was waiting for a simple issue with clear evidence, and I approve. I haven't even had to change my mind in anything.

* For useful PR. As Democrats have been doing for years.

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Me, I hope Trump has a long and healthy life, or what's a 30-year sentence for?

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he didn't tweet that picture because he thought it would make him look good; he tweeted that picture because he thought it would make her look bad. As in, a visual dog-whistle to his base - expressing, in their understanding, “Woman standing up and shaking her finger at a Man = HARRIDAN! WITCH! BALL-BUSTER! FEMINAZI! THAT GODDAMN CASTRATING WHORE-BITCH OF A FIRST WIFE OF MINE” (and so on).”

That tweet was not for us; that tweet was not for the undecided; that tweet was not for the swayable or the persuadable. Like all his tweets THAT tweet was rotten meat - thrown to his howling, slavering pack of junkyard dogs.

Stop mistaking his tweets for some form of perverted dialogue with the sane portion of the electorate. They are as much a form of outward communication as a Nuremberg Rally.

(and, next time, Nancy? use the finger next to that one)

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A large number called her a coward. And Liz Warren even said that the House Democrats were complicit in Trump's crimes for not impeaching sooner.

There is a huge difference between questioning someone's decisions and questioning their motives. Our side has far too many people who treat every disagreement with a politician as damning proof that they're corrupt or cowardly or uninterested in the public good.


Note that Liz wouldn't have declared the House Democrats "complicit" if she didn't think it would resonate with the progressive wing. She knows her fans.

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Communists? Gosh, it's almost like Trump doesn't know it's 2019.

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What happens if the other six get together and decide, "Fuck that shit!" and sit this one out or schedule an alternative G-6 while Donnie stews alone in his treasure palace?

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So, it never would have seen the light of day if Trump hadn't put it out there? That makes it even better.

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I do need one small clarification on this. Is it the birthday or lap dance that's wet? Are we talking about getting a wet lapdance on your birthday, or are we talking about getting a lapdance on your wet birthday?

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If he didn't have a hotel there, all Turkey would mean to him was something the cook prepared on Thanksgiving.

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No, because then Mulveiny (I would look up how to spell that, but I don’t care) gets appointed VP, and then winds up as president*. I don’t know if it’s possible, but trump and pence need to be tried together and removed simultaneously, or one will just pardon the other.

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And Nunes, who seems to have a fascination with the idea of nude pics of Trump existing.

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Poe's law is a hot frying pan and we are the butter melting in it.

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Funny, Nancy doesn't look nervous in that photo!

But that letter. I mean, I just...it can't be real.

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Wet Birthday Lapdance is great, but nothing is as great as Treason Paraphrase.

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It's all the same crime.

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