Ripping pages in half like a common Trump who has to have staff run around behind him and tape them back together?

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There was quite the bit of butthurt at my job today. Apparently, it was “very unprofessional.“

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Their only core principle is the certainty that in a just world, they'd have enough power to force their inferiors to treat them with respect.

Guess what, fuckos? Never gonna happen.

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Something..something...fuck your feelings...something...

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Is there no end to Republican victimhood. Totally consumed by their petty grievances,while tearing apart our republic. No self awareness,no shame ,no empathy,no compassion. One giant narcissist cult ,hell bent on destroying everything that isn't them. Sometimes it's hard not to lose hope.

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its as if screaming over the petty shit somehow justifies the most corrupt motherfucker ever to shit in the WH bathrooms

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Magats are the most butthurt bunch of little bitch boy crybabies there ever were.

If they're this triggered all the time when their bloated king is running things, imagine how they're gonna feel after he dies in prison, and they are still getting turned down for jobs due to the magatry they once posted Failbook & Twitter?

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I loved the way she “ripped him” symbolically, but it would have been more fun if she had crumpled each page as it was read, then tossed them like spitballs at the back of his head.

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Pelosi is dominating the news cycle. Trump hates that. Also, now, for at least a few hours, the debacle in Iowa won’t be all they talk about. Nancy is a tactician. She’s an assassin. She knew this was a free opportunity to get media coverage and also make a point, and the timing was perfect. And this will also be taking up news space while the GOP tanks the impeachment today.

They should have known the second her invitation to do the SOTU in her house arrived. But they are too used to clumsily blundering through their abuses to have understood the risk.

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Also, too, they didn't "try" Fuckwit Jr., they fucking DID impeach the fucker...

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Stormfront is looking for a few volunteers to work for exposure

Exposure and maybe some meth

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Bitch boy libelz!

Also, too, your fingers to new AG Harris' eyeballs...

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Notice that Pelosi gets the maximum impact with minimal effort? The whining bitching commentary trying to regain control of the narrative is trying to counter an uncomplicated act. It’s difficult to smear this because they have to needlessly complicate what was a very simple action that can’t be erased. They can try to redefine it all they like, but they still have to then include its occurrence, in totality, in order to do so, and that only requires 5 words: She ripped up his speech.

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Was that the only copy of the "speech " she tore up?

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MAGATs get so butthurt about everything that they don't realize Trump is destroying their party by autoerotic asphyxiation, and they just keep asking to be strangled a little harder.

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