I mean, but it really doesn't. Since otherwise, we'd get President Clinton if/when the criminal is removed, instead of the VP moving up a notch in value.

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I'm incredibly happy that that POS is retiring from my state.

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As unhappy as I was that Hillary didn't win the election, I was willing to give Trump a chance, if he had just been one iota of presidential. But he blew it from day fucking one, lying about his crowd size bigger than Obama's. Nope, even if he wasn't a fucking criminal, he's still a goddamn liar and does not deserve anyone's respect.

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Damn, I am so bad a remembering names!

I keep calling him Number 00045334.

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Coincidentally, I'm really starting to think a swarm of locusts is a little Disqussy.

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I was raised up north, and already had the local knowledge of Trump’s con man status. I never expected him to do any differently than he already did. I don’t think anyone could be completely ready for how well he’s done in his mission to dismantle our democracy though.

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Oh really? How about a presidential candidate saying he'd like to "knock the shit out of" people that disagree with him. And locking up kids in cages?

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They're Trying to Out the Whistleblower

By this point, they have a whistle orchestra https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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For someone who isn't a criminal or a prison guard, he sure surrounds himself with a lot of criminals.

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Dawn doesn't work for me. Can we try about 10:00 a.m.? I'll have had coffee before then.

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So where were your clutched pearls during Lock Her Up, huh?

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I understand your feelings. On the other hand, Trump has staged things so that his lies, while reported go uncontested. His administration is supported daily and nightly on Fox. His press briefings are on a loud helipad, and his rallies get more press than anything else. I found the reaction novel and refreshing. The bigger an asshole he is about this, the more I enjoy it.

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Ehhh. Live by inherent contempt, die by inherent contempt. Rest assured that Republicans will retaliate in kind like the petulant little asswipes they are. Of course it would be in bad faith, as that is the only way they know, but apparently that has not ever mattered and will never matter.

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I'm having a sad. NONE of the usual dirty tricks with attorneys and lawsuits and immunity is working! Whatever shall they do?

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--Or a diminutive perambulator. :)

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It's Bad Faith Turtles, all the way down.

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