Scalia's dissent gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in my soul.

Anything that angers that man, and causes him to play the victim card has to be a moral good.

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Where is your God now! Wut? Been done already?

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I have always wondered...is it under way or under weigh? (like "weigh anchor")

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Ouch and Meow.

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the days of wine and schadenfreude.

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Here's a fun fact:

"What happened was that the Dutch, who were European masters of the sea in the seventeenth century, gave us — among many other nautical expressions — the term onderweg, meaning “on the way”."

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I figure it refers to the whole outfit: chaps + no pants = assless chaps. Which is bad algebra, but ... <i> who cares?</i>

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Nancy Pelosi certainly speaks for me. No doubt also speaks for everyone on wonket, plus Democrats. Based on Bachmann's showing in GOP Presidential race, Pelosi also speaks for all Republicans. Who's left? Maybe Marcus, though probably not.

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Yeah, but really, how many other occasions do we get to say "assless"?

I mean, I can only describe ex-girlfriend so many times...

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See my comment above.

Assless assless assless assless assless assless assless... Well, you get the idea.

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Bitch has been slapped.

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Well, there's that, but my schaden can never get enough freude.

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Damn your eyes!

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Whoever is writing Sarah Lou's response on Facebook is taking their own sweet time about it.

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We can do that?

We can just... ...<em>not care</em>?


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