“We have always been at war with East Christmas”.

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Indeed. It’s a weird canard that if you “hate“ some individual that means something negative about you. Certainly there are people who are full of hatred, who wallow in it by imagining acts of cruelty toward the people they hate. Whether it’s an individual or in the case of bigots, a group. But there’s an effort to massage ‘being made angry by a terrible person’ into the same thing as that kind of wallowing, fetid hatred. I would readily say I hate all kinds of individual people who have power and do bad things. But I don’t sit around imagining bad things being done to them by me or anyone else. (Even these abusive landlords I had once I wished that they would die. But I didn’t want to see them die. I wanted it to happen in a car crash and then a lawyer would come and tell us about it later. And then I would never have to be verbally abused by them again.)

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The coming tanks belong to DHS. Operated by local cops wearing 4-star General's rank.While gun nuts mow down their enemies.

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All of that, plus the repetition and the pauses. The palpable sense that he has lost his train of thought. And the crazy 10-year-old boy in the 1950s ideas of toughness but also that you’re supposed to constantly be showing/saying that you are tough. 😳

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I think it's all about the judges and anything else on the wing nut bucket list they can get him to do. It's obvious to me that they don't care who he's working for. They don't even care who they work for.

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This is great! This is the kind of stuff we need in the journalism in support of impeachment and later actual removal of Trump in November 2020. I hope to fuck there’s a huge spontaneous demonstrations all over the country when the Republicans acquit. That will be the beginning of the fight to preserve democracy. I hope people understand that.

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I'm sure there are a lot of them. We don't hear about them because they aren't fuckwits. They might not be moral but they have the good sense to stay as low key as they can.

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I think you’re underestimating the impact of seeing the process enacted and the Republicans simply ignoring all the evidence and going on the record saying ‘no this is fine’. The emotional impact on that day. Or, I’m overestimating it. We shall see.

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Doug Collins just tried that in an NPR interview that aired minutes ago. Despite reminders of what the transcripts say, despite reminders of the witness testimonies, guys like Collins have stuck their whole fists in their ears to pretend they can't hear the truth.

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She reminds me of my Italian gran mamma. "Play nice and play fair or Imma gonna get angry. And you do not want to make me angry." I never saw her angry. It was too much fun when she was happy. Now I am hungry for Nonni's lasagna.

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I constantly feel constrained to point out that she's almost EIGHTY. She's a BOSS.

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"...Pelosi's little heard 1970s C/W album"Then it is true that Nancy was the slide guitar on ScarJo's Tom Waits tribute album!?!?!

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God Save the Queen.

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She did a great job as both Queens Elizabeth.

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Right next to tiny's

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Frankly, I think Pelosi would get more understanding and support if she did say she hated Trump.

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