Nancy Pelosi Strangely Not Interested In Having Sex With Harry Reid
Speaking of Nancy Pelosi and Afghanistan and sexism, here's a completely brilliant clip of cool-as-ice Harry Reid, the "Late-Middle-Aged Arthur Fonzarelli of Reno," executing the latest attempt in his decades-long quest to "break the touch barrier" with Nancy Pelosi, finally.
Nancy Pelosi Strangely Not Interested In Having Sex With Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi Strangely Not Interested In…
Nancy Pelosi Strangely Not Interested In Having Sex With Harry Reid
Speaking of Nancy Pelosi and Afghanistan and sexism, here's a completely brilliant clip of cool-as-ice Harry Reid, the "Late-Middle-Aged Arthur Fonzarelli of Reno," executing the latest attempt in his decades-long quest to "break the touch barrier" with Nancy Pelosi, finally.