I'm sure he would indeed fuck himself. But not with his own limp dick. Nor with any GOP limp dick. Putin might lend McTurtle his dick, though.

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Let’s just say she left her stiletto up there.

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I've had it with all the BS posturing. Let's just tell the truth about the glorious Senate. It's primary purpose today is to provide a vulnerability, so rich assholes can cheaply buy votes in states with more land than people. Control Senate -> Stop Congress -> Control the "Supreme Court" -> Control any President. It really doesn't do anything else.-- Captain Obvious

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Candidate for a blanket party.

For those unfamiliar, a blanket party happens when a sleeping fuckup is covered with a blanket, restrained, and his fellow troops pummel the shit out of him. A bar of soap in a sock works nicely. Oddly, no one ever remembers the blanket party, except the victim....

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I recommend a large capacity front-end loader like a Caterpillar 980, or equivalent.

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Also, too, "continue with the ordinary business" like sitting on the eleventy billion bills the House passed? That business?

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When it does eventually hit the senate and the Senate Rs vote it down, they will return to criticizing her and be all told you so.Wait for it!

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That's a given.

It was stupid to do it at all because the fix was in. It would have worked if she have moved sooner/waited longer. If only she had forced a particular witness to testify it would have all been different. She should have locked people up in the jail in the basement of the Capitol that does not exist and has never existed, but she should have done it anyway. She is wrong. She is stupid.

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If I lived in her state, I would definitely vote for her.

Of course, having live there twice, (when my Dad was stationed at Fort Knox), I have to admit, I have no desire to live in Kentucky.

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I admit that frustration has had me questioning, Nancy. I am not too proud to say, I was wrong and I am sorry for doubting her.

She is boss!

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Right. Which makes it look like a violation of the secret gang code for Trump to target Soleimani. You bomb a bunch of civilians and they attack an embassy. You assassinate a ruthless beloved leader and they...? Let’s just say that if I were in Trump’s family I would be terrified.

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I should add that Mayor Blaz has already told those who live or work in NYC, and don’t have security guards or a say in US foreign policy, that we should be terrified vigilant.

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He'll be heartbroken when he learns that the bone spurs prevent him from serving his country./s

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