Gomez Addams libel!

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Just think what MJ could have added to the "I'll try spinning. That's a good trick" scene.

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The party was in November IIRC, and in a large building/warehouse so it was quite comfortable - temperature-wise, anyway!Actually, once I got used to the unintended invitation to just go around invading my personal body space, I was okay. Just the initial shock of suddenly getting a lot of attention!Of course, when I dressed up as Michael Myers from Halloween for a football game.... ;)

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Cool to know that ;-)

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Needz moar slobber.

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that was much nicer response than I usually get which usually goes "'blow' is just an expression" (like when I asked someone how to make the whistle noise when cupping one's hands together and holding them near his mouth--30 years ago--at Berkeley.)

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we went to phoenix, az to visit my aunt and cousins in the 70's when i was in 5th grade. i was looking for a blue bird, they are brown with stripes. wiley was hunting for the wrong bird entirely.

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I was really looking forward to the new Star Wars movie, but, now, I'm thinking if it doesn't have a snotbot (or would that be snotdroid?), it'll just be Phantom Menace II.

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...rule 34 ;-)

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Nowsa meesa want a Jar-Jar Fleshlight, Dok!

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No, that planet should be for us. We should move there and leave this bitch to the Teabaggers and their leaders. Fuck'em all.

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Unfortunately, Ted Cruz has only seen one episode of Star Trek. It was that crappy one from season 3, where Capt. Kirk met Abraham Lincoln.

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Really? Are they still A Thing?

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C isn't constant if you are the Donald! His ego is so vast it probably causes time dilation.

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And the orbit would be bound to decay after six billion years. Damn gravity.

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