Statistically, there is a marked predisposition to pitchfork-induced trauma.

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BSOD = Billionaires Stoked for Obamacare's Destruction

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<i>Wouldn't he be better off just demanding money from the rubes</i>

When the Walton clan has more cash than 100 million American rubes put together, the obvious thing for Mitt to do is suck Walton dick. The savings on postage alone would make his Bain Capital buddies proud.

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<i>...he said the time for apologies from banks was over.</i>

That's British Bankster, which translated into American would be, "Fuck you, we made a shitload of money and we're not sorry in the least."

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I do miss those loons ... I'm sure they're going nuts, but it's impossible for them to get attention when the mainstream GOP has seized control of the crazy train.

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Yeah, try asking <i>that</i> question of a teabagger. The vacant stare will only get more vacant.

If it don't fit on a bumper sticker, you can forget about it.

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"I know that one! I know that one!"

--Zombie Neville Chamberlain

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I'm sure the concept that any place on earth would NOT welcome them with open arms has never entered their tiny minds.

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Too much to hope that it wouild be an Arizona State Trooper, huh?

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<a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/London,_Texas" target="_blank">Really, really small. </a> I don't know what the fuss is about.

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"Diamond grew up in an American family of Irish-Catholic values."

Not merely "an Irish-Catholic American family" -- they have to mention "values"!!??

Can't imagine who's been editing this article. These fuckers don't evern pretend to be subtle, do they?

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Checking passports is a cute bit of theater, for consumption by red-state rubes.

<a href="http:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/finance\/newsbysector\/banksandfinance\/9362640\/After-Barclays-the-golden-age-of-finance-is-dead.html" target="_blank">A London dinner hosted by Diamond has about as much social cachet as a New York dinner hosted by Bernie Madoff. </a> In reality, Mitt need not worry about anybody but filthy rich Americans showing up at the door.

(For those reading the linked article, "City" is Brit-speak for London's financial center, roughly equivalent to our use of "Wall Street".)

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Richard III Libel!! Try Henry VII instead.

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Well with all of the War of 1812 Bicentennial stuff going on, maybe when they see the re-enactors with their muskets when they cross the border, they'll turn tail and flee.

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"Blacky McKenyanbirf"...awesome.

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