Why even bother with elections any more?

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Zombie Cheyney was unavailable? or chose not to run vs. such stellar candidates?

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i eagerly await the palin cabinet magnetic dress up dolls.

my fridge is getting sick of magnetic poetry.

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And note that it will change history even more if it is played<b> wrong</b>, which as you've indicated is certain.

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I'm no economist, but based on my observations here in rural Virginia, people with a lot of money will take their extra money and stick it in stocks or the like. People with very little money will take their extra money and buy stuff with it. Which one of those will help the economy the most?

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I must reread A Clockwork Orange. Thanks for the reminder.

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Or Mittens, he'd probably put it on top of his car and have his hand out the window holding onto it so it won't fly off while he's doing 75mph down the highway.

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John Bolton as SoS!?! Geeze, he would fit in with the overall delusional nature of the selections. So this has gotta be win!

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I wistfully recall AMC's description of John Bolton as someone who rammed a chinchilla up his nose until only the tail showed.

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They’re going to need a Court Jester for this cabinet. I nominate Glenn Beck.

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