Let me guess, this guy wants to ban women from voting

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Now that everyone can be doctor, can everyone also be a drywall hanger? Real estate blurbs can get rid of the phrase “untouched by amateur renovators,” which is one of my all-time favorites.

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Well, women are so emotional, can you blame him?

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Okay. I'm convinced. I want to limit the franchise. No more voting for people who think like Williamson does.

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He'll need his emotional support beer, for sure.

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Not just an idea but a reality.

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Yeah, I'm sure slavery would have been extended nationwide in December 1865, probably because all the slaves Lincoln emancipated would have voted to return to the plantations and all the people in the North who lost family members in the war would have admitted they were wrong and White people should have the freedom to deprive Black people of their freedom.

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Of course one does need to remember what happened during the rule of previous Patricians. Vetinari is at least a fairly reasonable despot. His predecessors cannot make that claim.

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Once when flipping through radio channels to find something to listen to, I heard something so outrageous I stopped and listened for a bit. It was some right-wing talk guy -- not Rush, but I don't remember who -- who said voting should be limited to property owners. He went on to make his case, not well IMO, and then said women shouldn't be allowed to vote either. He didn't mention POC, but I wouldn't be surprised if he thought the original franchise of white, male, property owners was the ideal franchise and shouldn't have ever been changed and should be re-instated.

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Unless you're Gore Vidal, and you call out Buckley for being a "cryptoNazi."

That's when you hear the real rhetorical flourishes of Bill Buckley.


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Time Out!

"Poll Tax"!

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Right Wing Conservative and anti-Abortionist Abby Johnson has been floating a version of this in her church fundy-raising circuits.

It goes like this: the the head of the household, (not the woman, dear Lord no) decides how the household is to vote. The wife, adult kids can vote, but only as the Lord Pappy dictates them to.

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But but, don’t you see, Kevin that we are...how to say, a Democracy, and you cannot have a Democracy, per se, if you don’t let everyone vote. No? Just on it’s face, as well as deep underneath, the whole concept is...a...a...preposterous.—Dead William F. Buckley

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Trouble is, there are still a lot of places in this glorious country (insert chants of U S A! U S A! here) where people live far enough back in the hills or the woods or the desert, and often way, way off the grid, that the ID trucks would be hard pressed to locate them, much less drive to them.

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thank you for this one! hadn't seen it in a good while.

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Yes, and I leave near those areas. Which is why the could go to the local post office, grocery store, grange hall, Elks Club, Royal Order of The Mastodon, whatever. I also think this is how they should get vaccines out to the rural towns and those for whom "going to the big city" involves cities of less than 50k. Yes, these are my people *rolls eyes in neighborly frustration*

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