We were really excited when the GOP realized they no longer had any choice but to start flailing semi-earnestly in the direction of Hispanics, because we knew it would produce stuff like this , from the National Review: “What Wal-Mart Knows about Hispanics,” by Rachel Campos-Duffy, a mother of six (good job!) and the national spokesthing for a thing called The LIBRE Initiative.
commenter #2: inquisition spain would kick 'US race member's hard and dangerous job' all over latin america. and most of asia too.
No mention, I can safely assume, of how the years she was able to rely on public assistance enabled her to get her life on a firm footing, provided her with a means to keep her family alive while she looked for that job, or of how the whole not-starving, not-dying-in-the-streets part of welfare was VERY IMPORTANT to her and her family.
And the Waltons (combined family fortunes in excess of 100 billion dollars) dream of Hispanics working their entire lives at Walmart.
commenter #2: inquisition spain would kick 'US race member's hard and dangerous job' all over latin america. and most of asia too.
...working for Wal-Mart is a great alternative to hauling 80 pound bales of Marijuana over the border!
No mention, I can safely assume, of how the years she was able to rely on public assistance enabled her to get her life on a firm footing, provided her with a means to keep her family alive while she looked for that job, or of how the whole not-starving, not-dying-in-the-streets part of welfare was VERY IMPORTANT to her and her family.
Also: I thought Obama IRS-ed all those conservative "values" non-profits into the gas chambers?
...when I first heard Steve King make that comment I thought he was talking about a new kind of cross fit!
Down on Miami's Calle Ocho the "Cuba Libre" is known as "The Biggest Lie."
So, we're not still mad at the welfare queens who drive Cadillacs? I have trouble keeping up....
Does Peggy give her Messicans commemorative plastic neck cards? Or just gin & tonics?