I was thinking I might do a midlife career do-over but you just reminded me why not

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Great choice of graphic.

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and a teen pregnancy or at least a scare of one.

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This evil twin magical thinking defense is at the preoperational level cognitively....toddlers and preschool level. That people even consider its veracity is truly scary.

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Me too.

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Georgetown Prep delenda est.

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And Whelan is toast because of this.

The chickens are in the house and roosting.

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And get some action? They'd book a long-distance flight for that.

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Perhaps we'll see that too by next weekend.

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Yeah. What a fucking world. And Evan Hurst nails it again. All I hope is that truth prevails in the end.And that some bastard who deserves it suffers disgrace, frustration, maybe prison. (I'm a dreamer.) And I name no names, but the whole world wots ...

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Unless the house has since been extensively renovated or torn down....

If a criminal complaint is made, that's the kind of investigation that could be made. But this is not a criminal investigation. It's a hearing into whether this man has a sufficiently stain-free past to be appointed to a lifetime position on the high court. There's still a standard of proof, I'd say, but it's a different one.

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Thing is, he's not the only conservative judge. Surely there's got to be a conservative judge who isn't toting all this luggage - why not withdraw K and put up one of them? Nominees have been withdrawn before for smaller shit than this, it wouldn't be a huge scandal.

So it's got to be more than that K is a solid right wing voice, as that's not such a rare thing, and the obvious reason is that he's vocal on the president being sacrosanct.

This mess has Trump written all over it - it's unnecessary, it's stupid, and it's being mishandled.

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i always change the channel when bus-iness travelling and the fucking tv is on. if i can't figure out how (more often than not), i turn the fucking thing off.

it's weird how now one really notices.

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Oh no! We live in the extreme NW corner of Ohio. We could take I-80/90 to Toledo and then south to Dayton, but it would add an hour to the trip. When we lived in Decatur, Indiana we took 33. Where we live now we go south on 127 and then 33 out to finish on I-75.

We did go to Columbus some taking 33. From where we are now we go out to Findlay, get on I-75 for 2 miles, and then go off and take 15 to 23. But that was when we were going to Powell. Brother has moved closer to downtown so that might change.

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typical case of such!

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we looked like that to our parents

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