Just so everyone is clear, there is <strong>No</strong> "war on women" at work here. None. That would be as absurd as a war on caterpillars. Right? OTOH, if these sluts should foolishly choose not to follow the wise words of conservative leaders, well, it is their fault if they end up in Satan's fire. Or worse. But no war on women. At. All.

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NRO Fact: fertilization is an instantaneous process that cannot be prevented without a note from Jesus.

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"And a blow job is cannibalism!"

Not always.

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No other nation is this obsessed with abortion.

I <i>pray</i> the right-to-lifers would spend as much energy on breathing children as they do on the unborn and their mothers. A village of people supporting a woman and her child from conception though college would make abortion seem like a silly choice. But instead the RTL's line up with Republicans who think the social safety net is a waste of billionaire's money.

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The Catholic doctrine answers your question with a resounding YES! Nothing should be done to prevent conception within marriage including abstinence. Yet when -- let's say -- latino Catholics have large families, the wingers are all "they're taking over".

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Unpleasant facts: White people can start breeding like bunnies and still end up as a minority. Young people like sex despite the fear of damnation to hell and the stardom that comes from being an unwed mother with a reality show. Once women got the vote they decided they should control their lady parts as well. Pleasant fact: Randall Terry, Kathryn Jean Lopez, Rick Santorum, and people like them will not live forever.

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"Oh Jesus H. Fucking Christ."

Your comment is oddly inappropriate. Jesus was conceived without man-on-woman sex. (That was her story and she stuck to it.) WARNING FEMALE HUMANS: Abstinence may also cause pregnancy.

Further, the Bible doesn't mention Jesus "Fucking". So basically Christians are demanding laws to enforce sexual mores based on the teachings of a 30 year old (probably gay) virgin who lived in his parent's basement.

The "H" stands for "Holy" or, perhaps, "Holey". The latter meaning is clear.

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First it was "We don't believe in evolution - it was 'intelligent design.'"

Then "Man-made climate change? Nope!"

Now it's an "abortion pill" that really doesn't cause an abortion.

Science - they are just not that into you.

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Syrup of Ipecac also interferes with conception.

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Slightly less on edge?

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