Ladies and gentlemen: Politics in America, explained in one post.

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If only the Founders had been wise enough to put up some sort of "wall" between religious laws and state laws when designing our system of government.

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this has been a day of republican photos from central casting.

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Hold STILL. This is for your own good.

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See, if we just invade Muslim countries and kill people, that's fine; sharia allows that. It's when we take that extra step and introduce democracy that there's a problem.

Now I'm afraid to read his column, in case that's what he's actually saying.

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But hey, doesn't Democracy run afoul of Moses' Law too, and just about every other "law" in God's Word? The US Constitution just makes a mockery of God's Law, particularly when it comes to punishments.

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Silly muslins, believing people cannot make laws that contradict religious dogma. No one in America believes in that sort of thing. Otherwise you'd have people calling the Ten Commandments the foundation of our legal system. Or saying government-run school prayers should be required.

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