You're even more anachronistic than I am. Your explanation is correct, but "what's good..." has been an equivalent expression for decades. Still means the same thing.

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And we have so fucking much ammo to use up.

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And, for calibration, William F was flaming racist asshole.

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Hmm. He looketh to be a Dicke to me.

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I understand. If the goose represents the would-be mother and the gander is Kevin Williamson and the sauce is semen, then the father of the aborted babby/egg also gets hung and/or beheaded. The analogy works.

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Williamson has a beard. So he is a Muslim. According to Bill O'Reilly.

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Pro-Life Death.

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No, of course not! They get to testify at the slut's trial as victims.

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He couldn't get laid in a strap-on factory with a can of Crisco and target painted on his butt.

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Well of course the National Review is unprofitable - this moron is giving the goods away for free on Twitter.

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Costa Rica is on the line. Last week, I was listening to how draconian their anti-abortion laws are. They got some bishop in for an interview and he was yarbling on about how "every life is sacred...even if the mother's life is in danger". Her life isn't sacred I guess...it's just god's will. Fuck these people.

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Goats if his wife doesn't have any sisters. Sheep is she was pretty.

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"The law passed from God's Lips to our hearts is the law. I would surely be sad, but I'm sure my next wife will understand".

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