Unlike that treacherous Food Stamp President.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=dBaKtB5L6Fs" target="_blank">Guten Tag</a>.

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Especially Gavrilo Princip.

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"George W. Bush chose two African-American secretaries of state. That post has not been held by a white male since the ancient days of Warren Christopher."

Madeleine Albright libel !

VHD considers himself to be a historian. I have yet to read a single thing he's written that makes any sense whatsoever. He claimed Bill Clinton couldn't be a good president because he didn't have any military experience. I wrote a letter to the editor of the newspaper that published that garbage, pointing out that Abraham Lincoln did pretty well during the Civil War, and so did FDR in WW II.

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Melissa Harris-Perry looks ready to cut a bitch. A cage match between her and Victor Davis Hanson would likely be quite entertaining, and entirely one-sided methinks.

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I think more importantly, there are WAY, WAY more people giving their fucking opinion on everything than there are people with an opinion worth paying attention to.

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What, Victor, '300' isn't on cable today?

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I think it is called <i>National Review</i> because its writers are in serous need of some remedial history classes.

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<i>In short, until the election of Barack Obama, “white” was an increasingly rare designation. </i>

Or as Mittens prefers to call them: "Anglo-Saxon".

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I'm all tuckered out from reading this post and too tired to comment. What's next, footnotes?

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Insert link to Richard Pryor/Chevy Chase job interview SNL skit here.

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I'll take your <i>Friends</i> and <i>Martin</i> and raise you an <i>All in the Family</i>.

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The National Review guy is right! Demoncrats need to stop saying "white" and "black" (or even "blah"). The terminology preferred by Repubicans is "values voter" for white people and "junior janitors" for black people. They also like "illegals" for older Latinos; "anchor baby" for younger. "Terrorist" is how they refer to American Muslims. And "a man's religious beliefs don't matter" means Mormon.

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