Fair enough!

Both of them go.

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that sure sounds to us like a possible prelude to Flynn being thrown under a very leaky bus.

At least motor oil and transmission fluid can serve as balm for the wounds caused by bus tires.

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That seems really low. Are we sure it's only been three weeks?

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Obviously, you're no True Conservative, otherwise you would blame this difference in facts on Time Travel Obama.

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Probably goes something like "the investigating agents kept their eyes squeezed shut whenever handling the evidence, so, uh, it's FACTUALLY CORRECT"

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That is a terrible terrible idea and will ruin your risotto.

General Flynn should be fired.

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Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of guys

--M Robespierre

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Can I feel free to say, "WTF, with my tax dollars???"

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I initially mis-read that as Weimar Email announcement.

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Up to a point it could be the intro to F-Troop.

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Totally true, however you can drink more with smaller batches.

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Flynn's vibe is authoritarian crank, with an overlay of bellicose religiosity -- as demonstrated in the doom-and-gloom jeremiad he delivered at the Republican national convention.

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I hope the Tower Guard doesn't let Donnie Dumbass see the crown jewels. Might give him ideas .....

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I especially like the part where Flynn goes "I did not not discuss this matter with Russia"

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You'll want to be careful, since fucking is direct contact, pissing is simply an indirect dead drop.

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Tired of winning, I see.

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