Dave's not here, man.

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Like what? Mentioning the existence of homosexuals? No, thank you!

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Put some dynamite in the shopping baskets and point them at some weddings and now they're just as good as our old-skool "smart bombs."

All except for the smart part.

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Thank God there is nothing more important to fill the media world. Say, a leaking nuke plant, unrest in the Middle East, or long-term unemployment at home.

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if i were you i would stay whereever you were.

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Is Pam Geller Uri's sister?

Somebody should bend her like a spoon.

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It should be called Not CNBC Business News

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Where's the even longer form birth certificate?

Meanwhile, the state of Hawaii photocopies the original to tamper-evident safety paper -- a sensible precaution -- and that's becomes the evidence that it's been tampered ("photoshopped"). Could the state officials have put safety paper in the copier <i>before</i> making the copy? Maybe? Possibly? Nah... no one is that sophisticated.

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Alex Jones makes me proud to be a Martian.

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The only thing missing from their tired old song-and-dance routine is music.

Maybe they could make this a Very Special Episode of "Glee". There must be some kind of anti-bullying/stop being such an asshole theme they could pull out of it.

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