I feel dumber just reading this summary.

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Gives a new perspective on "up-skirting."

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And as an opportunity to grift. Doing evil deeds must be done for profit.

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Waiting for this headline...ENTIRE GOVERNMENT PART OF 'DEEP STATE'.

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as us engineers like to say, "this time for sure"...

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At least we now know who to target in 2022.

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In the filings, Louisiana was misspelled. The jokes just write themselves.

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What's Pence going to do when he has to be up there in public certifying the election? That's what he has to do, isn't it?

I read an awesome story from Indiana. I think they should make a drama out of it instead always from 19th C England. It's "The Conquest of Canaan ." BoothTarkington Have you ever read it? Project Gutenberg!

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I think she's gorgeous. She looks exactly like she looked at the junior prom.

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I keep thinking, I can't be any more embarassed by the fuckwits here in Missouri, but yet daily, I am.

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The South didn't stand a chance in the original War of Southern Aggression for the exact same reasons - it didn't stop them

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Different suit.

And I don't think they've thought through the implications here. Or maybe they're stupid and don't understand that "throwing out a ballot" means EVERY race on the ballot.

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I look forward to finding 'Fascism For Dummies' at the nearest Barnes & Noble. Do they even exist any longer? Book Smart, then. Should be printed with invisible ink in some sort of sooper sekcrit code. Because fascism.

And looking at this lineup of states which have co-signed Texas' action, might it be time to call France and ask if they'll take the Louisiana Purchase back? We'll refund their money, all $3million of it. These asshole states are more trouble than they're worth.

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Same deal with the 100+ congressdopes. This is not a party of action, or principal. And as much as they hate the term, it is a party of "virtue signalling."

Though what they consider "virtue" is execrable among normal human beings.

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How can you have a presidency when a vast majority think the election was RIGGED?This is funny, but it's not funny, because this asshole is saying that because he has fooled enough utter fucking morons into believing him, the court must make it so, because mob rule and case tried in fringe media, SO I WON.

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I guess our governor hopped aboard that crazy train, later yesterday: "After seven Republican state lawmakers officially signaled their support for Texas’ effort to overturn the results of the presidential election, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Thursday said his administration will officially support the cause as well."

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