Ronnie would not have furloughed the controllers, just cut their pay by another 10%.

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Thank God. It's been a week since anyone touched my junk.

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When do they rename Reagan National to Obama International?

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To clear up any confusion for our younger readers:

A "TV" is what you plug your Xbox into.

A "TV Show" is like a Netflix video that you cannot stream on demand.

A "Commercial" is like the ads that pop up while watching videos. Except you cannot skip or block them, and there are not markers letting you know when they are.

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Oh, c'mon - it's only $3.99 a month...

Totally worth it.

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Funny you ask, my son is 19, and has started to take an interest in why his father suffers from uncontrollable bouts of laughter when he gets home and scans the days comments.

So far most of the content has been a little political for his tastes, but he has taken a keen appreciation for our comments.


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As someone with years of experience in the field, I can tell you this is exactly correct.

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