It cannot be said often enough: the worst fucking excuse for garbage got elected at precisely the worst time to have him have power over anything more consequential than his TV remote. God help us all.

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This is .........exactly what China did to its whistleblower that every conservative on the planet will tell you is a travesty and deserving of a military response.

So glad we elected Warren G Harding’s corruption, Nixon’s paranoia, Jackson’s genocidal fantasies, and Johnson’s just all round bat shit stupidity and unpleasantness.

To face the 1918 flu epidemic and the 1929 stock market crash simultaneously.

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Guy sacrificed a career he’d been building his whole adult life for the people he led. THAT is the definition of honorable leadership.

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The way this timeline seems to be going, I suspect that the real shit hasn't even hit the fan yet. When it does, the front line military command will have to choose sides. This is not exactly the best way for trump to win them over.

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Even in more normal times, the military is loathe to have their laundry aired, human safety or not. Combine it with this comically macho, "I'm not responsible" administration and this is just the start. There are probably other similar situations that have a tighter lid on them that we'll only hear about after they go sideways.

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He's not concerned, they're all cogs in a giant toy for him.

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Our duty as officers is to our constitution, not an office holder. He did what he needed to do. Take a bullet to protect his people.Our JCS needs to retire en masse.

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There are two things you never want on board a ship..a fire or a contagious desease. As a hull tech in the Navy part of my job was to don hazmet suits and whatever protection needed to clean up ,in the even of a nuclear ,chemical or biological event. There is a protocol in place that the Captain of that ship wanted to implement ,and his first priority is to his crew. He tried to do his job but once again the powers that be showed their lack of true leadership and their willingness to prevent someone else from doing it. This is what happens when the military is politicized. It not the first time and it will not be the last .But it will always result in young men and women being sacrificed ,not for the greater good but for a bunch of greedy old white men.

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Crozier for Secretary of the Navy, under Biden.

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I'm sure liberty justice league or whatever one of those lawyer shops that defend people like Kim Davis will take his inevitable wrongful termination lawsuit.

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I have only one thing to say about that: GO NAVY!

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