"But beware of the derp side. Unfocused rage, trolling, spamming; the derp side of the Farce are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the derp path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Dick Cheney's apprentice."

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Third bathroom stall at ur local Walmart.

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But not urban.

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He truly was a sage.

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You know who else wants to distribute women among the male population? ISIS.

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Whats wrong with these people is that, half of the time, they are trolling you and everyone else around them. That, and 4-chan (especially the section called /b/) is a toxic environment with as a result of the sort of community and habits it allows for there.

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Ok, lemme stop everybody on this comment section and ask: has anyone here been to 4-chan? or the section called /b/?

What you see in this article is that these people are trolling people half the time.They think of Trump as "Supreme Leader" ironically, though they want to see him get elected.They are out, half the time, to mock and elicit shock from people. They're not even a single organized community, just a ton of random people who pop in and out whenever they want with horrible and irreverent senses of humor mixed with some terrible ideas about society.That guy who shot up the school wasn't just being encouraged, he was also being widely mocked, when he announced his future actions and after he committed them...as for those who cheered him on, those are discontents who feel better behind screens and feel more welcome in a place as unregulated as 4-chan, especially when they find other who share their unpopular views.

4-chan is mostly and imaging and commenting forum thats best known in many parts of the internet for its unpoliced environment, abrasive atmosphere, and toxic community (if you can call it that, because anyone can get in and say or post whatever they like, and most of it is terrible especially if its on /b/). Then there are other sections or forum spaces for dedicated subjects. For example, /a/ is dedicated to discussions related to anime, /v/ is dedicated to discussions related to video games, /diy/ is related to crafting or do-it-yourself projects, /para/ is dedicated to the supernatural and paranormal, and so on and so forth, and /sug/ is dedicated to the works of Rebecca Sugar the renowned creator of Steven Universe.

What you're looking at is a massive joke from the internet. Much of "the internet" can be or is politically incorrect and uncivil, and sometimes that's the way the average online community is, how they joke and how they act like.

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It *is* kinda self-mockery. They *are* making fun of themselves. But the thing is, they think they are getting something out of mocking *you*.

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Why do "awkward men" have to be automatically be bad men? Why can't they just be awkward men, with the actual misogyny being some other incident that gives them that trait of misogyny?

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I wait for the day when the Red Pill derps finally, finally, FINALLY take the time to Google the (admittedly stupid, but whatever) film they take as the basis of their delirious misogyny and realize that it is the brainchild of two transwomen.

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I found this deplorable. Could not fap to it.

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And your hands are still miniscule.

EDIT: Trump's hands, not yours, Joe. Didn't want to give the wrong impression.

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Well, he certainly didn't have the awareness to wonder why all the cameramen on Larry King's show were speaking Russian.

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Yes, there are trolls. There are 13-year-old little shits who are bored and looking to stir things up.

There are also millions of very real violent bigots doing very real violent bigoted things. And if you ask actual marginalized people about this, they will give you a very long list of things they have personally experienced from bigots.

Trump's candidacy is not a joke dreamed up by 4channers. It's the real deal.

Moreover, bigoted trolling does real damage. "It's just a joke" is a bullshit justification for hatred, because these jokes have the effect of dehumanizing the people they're aimed at, which increases the amount of shit they get.

Trying to blow off bigotry as no big deal perpetuates it. Stop.

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I'd like to point out that I wasn't trying to play it off like it was "all a joke". I just thought it was worthwhile to point out that one may not be looking at the hivemind one thinks they are looking at, and that not every aspect of them should not be taken at face value. Maybe avoid instances of news hosts asking questions like, "Who is this '4-chan'" and not understanding exactly what they're up against.I would think that it would be worth knowing what "the enemy" is like, in that they are incapable of seriousness and are interested in humoring people to death.

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