The right has become so over the top that actual right wingers can't even recognize obvious satire. It's why there have been many instances of the right forwarding articles from The Onion thinking they are real

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Not replacing... joining.

These fuckwits never give up on a boogeyman. They're still trying to tar people with Robert Byrd's past actions lo these many years after his death.

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The right wing doesn't like them because they aren't discriminatey enough and support gay and trans rights... so wingnuts get all "they're a-trainin our pure future wives and mothers to be lesbians and feminazis and abortionhavers!" and performatively refuse to buy cookies and such silly shit.

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I'll bet Diana probably clobbered Elvis for that as well.

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Thank dog Christie's genes for appearance were dominant.

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IKR? meanwhile, I haven't seen Girl Scouts here in Vegas and I really need my fix of Tagalongs soon.

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She is so sexy, and he is not, IMHO.

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Excuse me, that's "Joe"mentum, if I'm not mistaken. And I am.

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And she makes better music, but that's just my taste in music.

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Wait, but libtards are the ones who engineer false flags!! What's that? Just another case of projection and general conservatives shittiness? Got it.

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You'll get no argument from me.

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There's also where Proud Boys harassed a few into attacking them then played the victim.

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The county seat (1 town away) in my area was certain busloads were coming, and about 200 armed men showed up to "protect" the town from these evil antifas. No one showed up, obviously, except for a few BLM protesters who were utterly bewildered by the ragtag standing army across the street. If practically every cop in the area hadn't been diverted there, leaving other towns with one or two to deal with everything else, it would have been hilarious.

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Have mentioned in several threads now, around 2017 there were so many right wing hoaxes about antifa that I considered the scenario that the "movement" itself was defunct or theoretical only. I've noticed a few further rightwing assumptions about those THEY identify as "antifa":1. That they are primarily white (likely true when not overlapping with BLM, neo Panthers, etc);2. That outward rejection of "white" self identification is an act, likely to gain advantages in hiring and education;3. That they do NOT have the means to commit a sustainable uprising.

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Just commented above, not even "new".

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