"First Amendment" according to Trumpians.

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Exactly! There's plenty of good cops but they are cowed by the BLUE WALL. Also, a cop can't really tell who's upholding the Blue Wall or not... so a good ethical cop may express a grievance to their best buddy police partner, whom they trust... only for their pal to get the good cop in trouble as a snitch.

On top of that, there is peer pressure and sometimes, some of those bad cops are usually good cops who are now so messed up inside.

There needs to be a great way to get these "Serpicos" and find a way to bring them out and make them not afraid to speak up.

A good start is to replace all the Police Chiefs and Sheriffs with ethical ones who are for reform and totally get rid of that Police Union as it stands. Also, get rid of that "Killology" course they teach in Academies (where the emphasis is on violence and an authoritarian approach rather than self-control, de-escalation and working with the community)...https://slate.com/news-and-......The guy who heads the Police Union and created that course is a known Fascist.

This is one big reason why cops are the way they are, that loser, Dave Grossman (a fitting surname, cuz he's gross).

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Red Wiggler -Red Wiggler -The Cadillac of worms...

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Why would your cousin's parents move from a beautiful Victorian house in a beautiful area to a depressing, rainy, drugged-out area? I have to wonder about those people. Maybe things were different in the 1980s.

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AMEN! These guys wouldn't know Jesus if he appeared before them and hit them in the face with a large fish.

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Awesome Running Sledgehammer Lady needs to toss one of those things at each of these Fashie's chunk-heads.

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On the upside, these guys are outnumbered by decent people and the latter are active and pissed.

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Putin's in deep poo-poo to which I say... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Ta, Stephen. I first read 1984 when I was 13. I re-read it every few years.

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"Lim said he didn’t really know what QAnon was and had no opinion about Donald Trump."

In other words, the opposite is true and he's lying to stifle blowback.

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I want to read 1985: The Sequel.

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" a shame because 1984 isn't a political treatise it s a compelling human story ..."Have YOU read it ? It is absolutely a political treatise , as Orwell later explained . The ' human ' element was simply a vehicle or backdrop used to illustrate what existence becomes under totalitarianism ( Trumpist or Putinist - Orwell made it clear he was not singling out Soviet governance only ) .

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Yes . Authoritarianism/Fascism was depicted brilliantly in 1984 . Orwell was wonderfully curmudgeonly about ' pinkos ' as in " you can tell a lot about left wing politics by the way the women supporters look " and ( in " Coming Up For Air ' ) his representative leftist - a Birkenstock/vegetarian ( neither existing at that era ) probable ( implied ) homosexual .

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Orwell didn't do ' series ' . Aspidistras were potted plants . A representation of little-englander suburban bourgeoisie-narrow-minded-smugness . A frame to allow the characters of the novel to have a background to explain their actions . More enjoyable fictional works of Orwell are ' Burmese days " and 'Coming up for Air " . Politically ' Animal Farm ' and Homage to Catalonia ' are for purists . ' Down and Out in Paris and London ' and 'The Road to Wigan Pier ' are good , but can depress the hell out of you .

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He made it clear 1984 was a torpedo aimed at authoritarianism in general . Communist Russia probably provided for him the best literary resource ( show trials etc ) . I am gut-certain he would have identified Trump as the perfect exemplar of fascist-in-waiting .

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You might have found support from Orwell if you plead colonial exploitation to explain USA racial persecution . Beyond that , support for trans women and bathroom issues , there is not much in his record to inform us . My guess is that he was instinctively conservative on such matters and would have stayed neutral on public policy relating to them .

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