... I can't help but notice those spats-wearing lads were much happier once the gal with the bow-tied pumps left the stage - their dancing sure got kicked up a notch in any event.

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Franciscus Pontifex est ut vos?

Cardinal Bergoglio stopped watching TV before not watching TV was cool.

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Wattle and daub between the hand-hewn logs. Rammed earth insulation, vapor barrier sheet and plywood. And finally, studs and drywall.

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"Sam Hain"? Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

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3) They don't want the guvmint takin away their GUNZ

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Interesting that the ad targeting zeroes in on the topic of gays. Methinks Pfizer knows something about their typical customer that they aren't sharing with the wider world.

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Marriage equality should apply to all, Republicans, military, or whatever.

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Navy flyboys need to know that stuff, and they probably didn't trust the (Army) Air Force to share what they had.

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Makes sense...but not the air force?

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Oddly, what the polls show doesn't actually determine what is right and wrong, ferinstance:http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics...We're behind the times on this one. Big time.

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And he is a republican well bless his heart.

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The local Chattanooga ABC affiliate WTVC is running the ad.

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Hatches, hell, what about the companionways below the waterline?

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You really need to work at it to miss the saucer-sized Buick emblem in the grille.Hmm, they've dropped the ventiports again.

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My oldest daughter and her fiancee did that. Huge-ass flat screen hanging from the wall, but all it's hooked up to is the game consoles, though which they get Netflix and watch shows on the network Web sites. Seems to work for them.

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But he is back from serving in war, so he is back to being someone the Republicans hate (a veteran).

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