I don't usually fix things for people ...but here you go.

Subtle woman shaming is okay with you? And yet men get a pass because they can't help themselves is that right? Cause we all know woman are evil temptress demons and men are just helpless creatures who must conquer all women and have their way with them.

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Oh, so you just have no idea what you are talking about. Okay, I understand the situation now.

The fact that you made a whole seroes of delusional statements not based on reality doesn't change the fact that Jeff outright lied when he claimed Clinton said something she never said.

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Also do not ever sign that letter for Andy Griffith, btw. Pro tip.

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Where to begin?

Why not sign such a letter. If a coworker is accused of bad behavior and you want to offer your support, you can. And signing it without circulating it would be pointless.

As for what it means, you are not a credible source on that subject since you have no way to know. Maddow's career says that she cares very much how other women are treated. She is also allowed to care how a coworker is treated even if he happens to be male.

The letter is not a response to bad behavior. It is a response to reports of bad behavior which have yet to be verified.

Who appointed you know-it-all Judge, Jury and Executioner, with a sideline in Witch-splaining why other women do the things they do.

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Exactly THIS.

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The letter doesn't seem to say that Brokaw never harassed anyone, or even that he didn't harass the particular women who accused him. So I don't see why a woman he had not creeped on, and was treated decently by him, should feel much hesitation about signing it.

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How is saying he never touched you calling someone a liar, if it's true?

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Where does it say that?

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Right you are, Brian. And he invented the Greatest Generation! I don't remember any WOMEN in the Greatest Generation, do you?

These women are obviousy looking for the big payday, just like we found out Andrea Costand was, GO COS!

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I really am not kidding-- isn't it true that a lot of what was supposed to be Bernie people was Russians trolling?

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He didn't kill anybody.

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Mrs. Falbo's Tiny Town, Come on in and Hang ARound

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Every woman knows that when your infinitely powerful, superior at work insists that you meet in a hotel room instead of a public space, you have to be afraid of what's coming next. Can you find a way to politely rebuff this person?, will you get hurt?, will you lose your job? If her account is true and he insisted on meeting in a hotel room, that IS sexual harassment. Ditto when this same person tries to forcibly kiss you. He didn't have to threaten her job verbally, it's understood by both parties that this could be really bad for her career. Can you not see why this should never have happened? I'm sure he had plenty of women who he could have a cheap affair with. He didn't need to pick on a much younger, much less powerful coworker, but he did choose her because he knew she might feel afraid enough to give in to him. Imagine that this woman is your daughter. As for "happened in the 90s", yeah, women were not able to accuse powerful men of this B.S. then without immediately losing their jobs. Here's an idea, Don't do awful crap at work that you don't want anyone to find out about, even years later. Work is not the place for this B.S.

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No talking to the blind. Have a very nice day.

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Sorry I don’t have time to explain how women sabotage other women. Or how saying hey he hasn’t touched me so your claim is a big zero

You got this. Carry on justifying white male privilege.

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It's a bit of both. Russian trolls tend to do targeted mass attacks around an event- an election, a news bombshell. Then they tend to disperse for some new target. They don't stick around to become members of an online community for months or years. Non-troll Bernie supporters seem pretty consistent across the board though. They stick around, and many of them are quite sincere in their support of Bernie and their hatred of Hillary. So, some are Russian trolls, but plenty are not, at least in the liberal-leaning sites I frequent.

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