Come back whenever you wish, and stay as long as you like. ICE is only in America.

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I never took my vacation days if I could help it. I sold them back and ended up getting a couple of thousand dollars when I took a new job and quit the old one.

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Well, it's super convenient for managers who only have to track one number.

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No doubt, the link to this piece was right next to the one for "You Won't Believe These Cleavage Shots from Wal-Mart."

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Haha I sneered. But I like your response better.

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I would assuredly take vacation days if I got paid vacation. But alas! Any vacay time I scoop up = eating ramen noodles for a month or two.

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I signed up with Disqus as "Paul from Long Island", but they truncate it to "Paul" for some reason. My avatar is different, though.

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Responding to evil with more evil is just... evil!

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Me too. But she was one of those lucky people who was quite happy to get by on 5-6 hours of sleep. Now me, I need 9 hours or I have a nervous breakdown.

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I would have given him a big smile and laughed and said "That's what I like about you, you have such a good sense of humor, it's one of the things that makes this such a great place to work."

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Told my boss my kid was all settled in away at school. His response " Good, now you can focus more on work." My production rank among his 8 similarly titled employees is #1. My rank among 100 others in our territory is #6. In the spirit of workplace political correctness I did not call him a little prick. Prob just laziness on my part.

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I used to do that until my work took that option away. Now you either use all your vacation hours or lose them. No payout.

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Me neither. I learned that management never remembered all the times I stayed over to bail their asses out. Or the times I came to work sick because there were things that HAD to get done. I got grilled by them if I called in sick once or twice a year and they acted like I was stealing from them when I used vacation time that I had earned. I have different managers now who are much better about these things, but I come in and leave when I'm scheduled and no more. If they don't have enough people scheduled to get done what they need, they're responsible for fixing that problem, not me. I have no control over scheduling.

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Yes, and I guess others did too. We didn't have a sick leave pool this year.

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