Democrats without an education are ...well, just Republicans.

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"Will no one rid me of this troublesome press?...no really, you two, get down there. Chop chop!"

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They need to be careful - them's Republican voters they're fucking with!

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They timed this pretty well. It all happened when everyone was distracted by Donnie and his buds.

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Sorry to hear that.

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All this shit is literally making me sick. And I'm using the term 'literally' correctly.

If I were even more crude, I'd show you the bucket I just threw up into.

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It took them two hours, starting at 1 AM, to return to the floor with this proposition? That's a lot of time to generate the already-expected and pre-planned racism. Bet they had this ready to go for their bathroom laws, and needed to reuse it ASAP.

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That rogue state is where I figured NJ had gotten the idea from.

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This seems like a typo: "With that job gone, Cooper will have more trouble actually getting the $900 in federal aid he requested"

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the NC GOP doesn't seem to know how to do this amendment right. I've seen it a number of times in many forms, but it usually comes in the form of a party telling one of its own members they need to go take a fucking nap. they've done it to Jonathan Stickland in TX a number of times this year because he's been killing everything on the Local & Consent Calendar since "WHAAAAA!!!! NO ONE TAKES ME SERIOUSLY BUT THESE 5 OTHER PEOPLE!!!!!!!" (it's really up to 12 now who apparently don't want to be taken seriously either ever again) and they usually do it by revoking all TxDOT funding for Bedford projects. then he sulks for an hour before storming the back mic again.

this is not something you do to end a debate because you're tired of the Democrats being Democrats in a red state and thinking they should have the same rights to have their amendments heard as everyone else. you do that by voting to end debate--which, unless it's unanimous, you have to wait an hour after the vote for the end of debate to come--and that's how it works. they did this on the "Sanctuary Cities" Ban which they are all now regretting because they thought they'd at least get a nice photo with Gov. Wheels signing to take to their districts next year even though most of them knew the bill was a shitburger and then--HAHA!--Gov. Wheels signed the thing on FaceBook. now everybody's pissed--especially Lt. Gov. Dannie Goeb who really had his heart set on Sen. Cornyn's seat and now has to suffice with fucking up the last few Sunset bills to force a special session so he can bitch and moan about bathrooms some more and give Bettencourt's dreams of bankrupting the state even more hand jobs!

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This is simple Republican economics! You see a problem, like kids not getting a good education, then you take money away from anything that might help. Problem solved! Because, as with tax cuts, the less money you take in the more money you get trickling into the old coffers! It's magic!

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Random bit of trivia -- the exit from I40 for the Graham compound is the same one I take to go to my mother-in-law's house. All you can see are giant gates blocking the entire road from about 100 yards away from the interstate.

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I saw Donnie do the theme for Green Acres on some awards show. Obama he ain't.

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As Bill Maher pointed out to Adam Schiff, this is a barfight. When are Democrats going to start acting like it?

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A hundred here, a hundred there, soon we're talking real money!

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