Do they even have espresso in Nebraska?

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EeewwwwIEeewwww l cupcakes, like I'm irrationallyi exuberant about cupcakesI but it's going to be awhile before I want to eat one again.

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Abortion is a litmus test for any Democrat. As long as they support a woman's right to choose under all circumstances, regardless of their personal feelings on abortion (i.e. the example of Tim Kaine), they are welcome. Otherwise, hit the road, jack.

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Cheating belongs to us! You can't do it!

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There is a lot of pregnant Sonic art on Reddit if you need inspiration, Dok.

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His face and mouth are so gross.

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To be fair, that's true of a lot of red states.

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"I think I was out of line."


Also, I'm still trying to grasp the concept of erotic Twin Peaks/Sonic fanfic.

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Anybody else see that pic of Janicek up top and immediately flash on Shatner?

Also, too, are we allowed to call him Janisuck?

Or just cupcake?

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erotic Twin Peaks/Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction

What, no ponies?

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um, what am I looking at here...

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It's too bad this sorry mess has to sully the fine name of cupcakes. I like cupcakes.

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It appears that in Nebraska it is difficult to tell the Democrats from the Republicans in some instances. Perhaps that's why their state legislature is unicameral.

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also Nessie!

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This man is a vile human being and deserves to be given the boot.I will also make a sad observation that when you don't have a viable state party that can produce candidates,this is who you end up with a lot of times.A bottom of the barrel scumbag.

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One issue with this article...Dr. Fauci is not an epidemiologist. He is an infectious disease and immunology expert. Our preeminent epidemiologist in the U.S. is probably Dr. Michael Osterholm. Look him up; he’s been podcasting about this pandemic, and would have, if given more policy power, preferred a more aggressive and much earlier response. I believe Dr. Fauci would have too...I’m not trying to attack one of the best physicians in the country, I just think we should have our facts straight.

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