If republicans want to deny reality, they just write laws that redefine what they don’t like. Easy peasy. So, if you wanna know what gender you really are, ask a republican. Soon we will all be required to wear pink or blue buttons to make it very clear that we are one of the two permitted gender identities.

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It’s very strange how some politicians have made it their mission in life to deny, oppress and make life difficult for trans people. Why are they sticking their ugly beaks into this health issue anyway? Less government, right, wingers? We don’t want the gubment interfering in our personal lives, except when it’s with people we don’t like. Then, we pretend the government is banning gas stoves, rationing beer and other fake oppression, and claiming it happens to them too.

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No shirts. No shoes.

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At my age I am pretty damn sure that I am no longer a “person whose biological reproductive system is designed to produce ova." Not an ova in sight. I guess that means I'm not a woman any more, nor was I as a girl.

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my patient liaison keeps spouting off about how trans women aren't really women because she heard a story about how a transwoman in the locker room had an erection when she saw another female athlete naked or that a transwoman beat another woman in a swimming competition (but she didn't win gold, silver or bronze.) I was trying throughout the conversation to suggest that transpeople were transitioning "to get attention" or to be able to go into the locker room to see women dressing did not make any sense because there's plenty of porn out there that is a lot less expensive than endangering your life (lots of homicidal trans hate out there) or taking puberty blockers or having your genitalia modified. Getting a swimming trophy is not worth that either. Athletes like to athlete regardless of their gender. I don't think they ever want to do the math in their head or even write out a pro and con list to see how preposterous such an idea would be.

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If a man jerks off alone in the woods - did it even happen???

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I am, always have been, and shall remain an ally. Trans rights are human rights. Women's rights are human rights. Pillen? GFY.

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That's only true for people who believe that trans people and women are humans, which does not include much of the Repub party.

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Ta, Dok. World without end, amen.

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I’m getting so tired of this dreck. Can we go just one day where some RWNJ doesn’t feel the need to attack trans people?

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Maybe they'll switch back to immigrants. Or Muslims. There's always another group for them to attack.

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Not as long as they have to suck up to Sky Daddy for a chance to live forever

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"...define a female as a “person whose biological reproductive system is designed to produce ova” and a male as a “person whose biological reproductive system is designed to fertilize the ova of a female.”

Seems like the word "designed" is trying lift more weight than it can manage there, even when couched in the mealy-mouthed passive voice, which it is. I can imagine a lawsuit challenging the EO's unsubstatiated assumption that people's junk are "designed" at all, and demanding that the guv produce the supposed designer, to testify under oath that those were in fact the purposes for which said junk was designed.

And no, the Bible does not count as a sworn affadavit.

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I heard a pretty good line in a radio ad. "Don't treat your groin like junk."

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so, so much of the right's fuckery is based on "everybody knows", which is as or more often than not nonsense passed down through generations immemorial of unreflective people, ones who never had that "AHA!" moment when they start to wonder what else their society accepts as true is also a damned lie. This is also known as "common sense", a notoriously arbitrary source; at different times in our history, everybody KNEW that we had to creep around in fear of the ever-prowling Devil as well as the inescapable Punisher in the sky, just waiting for the slightest slip up or doubt to give Him the excuse to fuck you up six ways from Sunday, why, it was just common sense. And it was common sense that some of your neighbors secretly met at night to kiss Satan's butthole and thus gain unearthly powers to blight crops, make cows go dry and otherwise afflict the Godly for shits and giggles, some people are just like that. And from time to time the community had to purge itself of witches and Jews, lest Old Smitey up there in the clouds might decide you're ALL no good and just cold wipe you off the face of the earth, because the presence of a few rotten apples means just pitch the lot and start over.

I call bullshit!

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" We need people in the streets, banging pots and pans and demanding, "Stop it, now!""

Yeah, but normal (cis) people aren't going to do that. Not for trans folk.

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That attitude won’t fly here - there are so very very many “normals” like me who respect ALL people and are willing to fight for them, and that covers pretty much all Wonkers. Divisive speech is divisive speech, and is not helpful.

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I don't define 'normal' as (cis).....'majority' would probably be apropos......but, sadly, you are correct.....

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I would venture to say that (non-TERF) individuals engaged in fighting for bodily autonomy r/t reproductive right have, and will.

Not to mention those like me who are cis and still queer.

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I may be an imperfect ally, but at least I try to be a notch above "bigot"

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I have.

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Me too. I will continue to do so.

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It isn't mentioned often enough but all these laws designed to prevent trans women from using the women's restroom/locker room also force trans men to use the women's restroom/locker room. I'm not sure if they can't think that far ahead or it's part of the plan to get someone hurt or killed.

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They already started that with the Dobbs decision.

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When did White people become so afraid of just about everything except guns and killing? Oh wait a minute - it began a looooong time ago.

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All transphobia is rooted in misogyny. It's just another attempt at policing women's bodies, how we look and how we act. It's why so many of these anti-trans bills apply only to trans girls and women.

Third verse, same as the first.

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You know, I think Governor Pillen just might be trans. After all, I've never seen his pee pee.

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LOL … but ewwww

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Mandatory doctor-certified gender checks for all state employees! Not just "show me your papers" but "flash me your junk". It's the only way to KNOW.

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