it does get tiresome having to repeat that to them over and over, as they belatedly discover the ratfucking that they put in office by blinding voting for anything with an R after its name. We've got a major case of that going on in AZ right now.

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I fucking hate lying pantsuit lady.

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Yah, If by handling it you mean a quick death from liver cancer.

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But she's the Dems' best chance of winning in 2016!!!

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There IS a lot of nukular waste looking for a new home...

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Why? Oil and gas are limited resources, while you can find people bloody everywhere.

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Hey, Bill? 'Non-toxic' =/= 'edible'.

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Technically, it is, except for the 'drink' part.

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I think there's a misunderstanding here about water disposal. People seem to be under the impression that fracking is the only oil production method that produces large quantities of contaminated water. That this is a new problem in other words. But every oil or gas well produces water, typically 5 or more barrels of water for every barrel of oil. This water, being the remains of ancient seas in which the deposits were formed, is extremely salty (between 5 and 50 times as concentrated as ocean water) and contaminated with heavy metals and sometimes radioactive. The best thing that can be done with it is just to put it back underground where it came from so pumping waste water into old wells or new disposal wells drilled for that purpose isn't a new idea. Oil and gas producers have been doing this for decades and incidents of groundwater contamination are extremely rare due to the massive differences between the depth of the wells (6000 to 13000 feet) and the depth of the water table (typically less than 1000 feet to the bottom of the water table).

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Just call me Mr. Green Genes.

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It's got what refining plants crave!

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In other news, an Oklahoma women is suing the oil companies for damages to her home caused by fracking generated earthquakes. Film at 11.

Another Fracking Earthquake Damages House.

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I'm just drinking Mount Gay from here on out....

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...that looks like a nice refreshing glass of "Free Market"

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Now the Nebraskans can heat their homes with the fracking residue....https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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