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Used to be that you read parodies and said haha wouldn't it really be funny if people actually were that stupid. Now they're not parody.

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And what the hell is with the car? I got old and bought a Corolla.

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a) what the fuck is with all the King Solomon references lately? is it because we have so many philanderers and they want to have 6000 more ladies? wouldn't that really fuck with the MRAs since that means there are going to be like - 600 thousand women for them at that rate

b) I thought that Nebraska had a unicameral, nonpartisan legislature...?

c) maybe he's saying they're safe because he does not sexual assault. everyone knows a gentlemanly Nebraska Republican who was CHOSEN BY GOD would only ever cybersexual you. so ladies, the twit twat is accurate. he'd just pressure you to show your pussy on the intrablag while grabbing himself!

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Not enough Beware-ing of false prophets.

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He has money, but no style or taste. This entire picture says it all, middle aged dad, with some money. I give Republicans the side eye with all that religion they speak. I just recently saw Taboo Sexuality on one of those NatGeo channels, one of the commentators said and I believed them about swinging and swinger lifestyles: Swingers can be anyone most are Conservative Republicans. The people I saw at those swinger clubs made me so squicked I was just as happy to not want to have anything to do with it.

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The variety cooked with Olestra, the diarrhea maker (that's where the hookers that diaper them come in, I reckon).

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I meet it half way, I use ABP, but also I do sent Editrix some money every month to make up for it, and I also bought the card game, so I guess that's something.

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Or maybe I'm undercompensating.... Alternative fact?

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I'm likely undercompensating too. Or I'm too practical-minded.

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Oh, I dunno. I purchased some smoked Gouda with bacon. It wasn't all that good.

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Ernie rocks!

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OT excuse for being king dick. .Funny, he doesn't Jewish.

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but it seems like EVERY white male republican ONE wants to be King Solomon these days! it's like: dudes, there are better kings to want to be!

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