He shoulda yelled "This...is...SPARTA!!!"

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<i>So, it appears that Kasidiaris slapped Kanelli twice and then threw a punch while she attempted to protect herself with her arms.</i>

I can't be the only one who read that first name as "Kardashian."

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Todd: Greece, eh? Hmmmmm....

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I might even subscribe to cable again just so I can watch C-Span.

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Even better: When Stephen summed up Geraldo and his friend Billo:

What are you implying, Jon? That O'Reilly and Geraldo are narcissists enthralled of their own overblown egos? Projecting their own petty insecurities onto the world around them? Inventing false enemies for the sole purpose of bolstering their sense ... Itty bitty Nixons minus the relevance or a hint of vision?

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yeah but i bet cut some taxes.

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<i>After the incident, Kasidiaris apparently fled the TV studio, and is currently being sought by police. </i>

They seek him here, they seek him there, / Those Frenchies seek him everywhere. / Is he in heaven? Or is he in hell? / That damned elusive Pimpernel!

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